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Registration Memory/Bank Problems

Started by jamsec, Feb 04, 2019, 02:50 PM

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We purchased a PSRS-975 three weeks ago and have been trying to set up programs with no success.  We have tried various methods.

We set up folders. Then we entered 8 songs in the Registration Bank and then saved those Banks to the folder.  We do this for 5 Registration Banks (40 songs).  When we go to the folders, confirm the folder we want is highlighted and proceed to the menu 2 screen where the save button is located and hit save.  We return to the folders,  highlight the next one proceed as before to enter the Registration Memory (song) and save to the Bank and then to the Folder.  We do this until our Program is complete.

We have also entered Registration Memory (song) then saved to Registration Bank (1-8), when the Bank is full we go to the highlighted Folder and then back to Menu 2 and save. We repeat until the program is complete. 

When we shut the Keyboard off and when we turn it back on and try to recall our Folders, only some appear, some are gibberish, some are Registration Memories from other programs.  Sometimes this happens without us shutting the machine off. 

Can anyone help?  We are so frustrated, it has been a very long three weeks.

Thanks for your help?

Fred Smith

Quote from: jamsec on Feb 04, 2019, 02:50 PM
We purchased a PSRS-975 three weeks ago and have been trying to set up programs with no success.  We have tried various methods.

We set up folders. Then we entered 8 songs in the Registration Bank and then saved those Banks to the folder.  We do this for 5 Registration Banks (40 songs).  When we go to the folders, confirm the folder we want is highlighted and proceed to the menu 2 screen where the save button is located and hit save.  We return to the folders,  highlight the next one proceed as before to enter the Registration Memory (song) and save to the Bank and then to the Folder.  We do this until our Program is complete.

We have also entered Registration Memory (song) then saved to Registration Bank (1-8), when the Bank is full we go to the highlighted Folder and then back to Menu 2 and save. We repeat until the program is complete. 

When we shut the Keyboard off and when we turn it back on and try to recall our Folders, only some appear, some are gibberish, some are Registration Memories from other programs.  Sometimes this happens without us shutting the machine off. 

Can anyone help?  We are so frustrated, it has been a very long three weeks.

1. You are having one song per registration button, correct (8 songs per bank), right?
2. By "folder", do you mean "file"? A folder contains a lot of files. A registration file (a "bank") is the set of 8 buttons.
3. How are you naming your files (or folders, if you really are using them)?
4. How are you "entering" the 8 songs in the bank -- by using the Memory button?

Yes, we can help, but we need a better idea of what you are doing.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


1.Yes we have 8 songs per registration bank.

2. We save the set of 8 buttons (songs) into a folder (which it is called on the machine), but I guess we are now confused by the word file?

3. Go to Folder button, screen shows New Folder, we delete that name and enter new name.

4. Yes.  we use the Memory button.

Want to visit Ontario?  We're in Norfolk County.  Thanks.


Fred Smith

Quote from: jamsec on Feb 04, 2019, 08:45 PM
1.Yes we have 8 songs per registration bank.

2. We save the set of 8 buttons (songs) into a folder (which it is called on the machine), but I guess we are now confused by the word file?

3. Go to Folder button, screen shows New Folder, we delete that name and enter new name.

4. Yes.  we use the Memory button.

Want to visit Ontario?  We're in Norfolk County.  Thanks.


3. Is your problem. Folders are different from files. Same as on a PC.

Don't use folders. Just save the file(s).

Make sure you use a file naming convention you're comfortable with.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons



Have you seen the Totorial pages?

There's a lot of us found our feet using these well-paced lessons,



We have tried the tutorial, but we cannot seem to figure out what we are doing wrong. 
But will try them again.
Thanks for the advice.



Fred, do you mean we do not need Folders?  If we have a program of 40 songs, we would just input the settings for the song, press Registration Memory 1-1 to 1-8, then 2-1 to 2-8 and so on until the songs are all entered?  Then what?  and how many different programs could we have? 

We are a group of Seniors who play weekly, mostly guitars (me) with one keyboard player (Jean).  I am writing for Jean which does not help.  Jean did have the Tyros 4 but it was too heavy for her and did way too much for what we needed.  Before the Tyros she had a old PSR and loved it.  We have about 20 programs with about 40 songs in each one.  And play one program a week.  (Tuesday) (Today)  So I will talk to Jean and see if she understands more than I do.  We are so happy to get help, we were talking about taking it back and Jean really does like it.  Thanks again.  Joanne

Fred Smith

Quote from: jamsec on Feb 05, 2019, 08:07 AM
Fred, do you mean we do not need Folders?  If we have a program of 40 songs, we would just input the settings for the song, press Registration Memory 1-1 to 1-8, then 2-1 to 2-8 and so on until the songs are all entered?  Then what?  and how many different programs could we have? 

We are a group of Seniors who play weekly, mostly guitars (me) with one keyboard player (Jean).  I am writing for Jean which does not help.  Jean did have the Tyros 4 but it was too heavy for her and did way too much for what we needed.  Before the Tyros she had a old PSR and loved it.  We have about 20 programs with about 40 songs in each one.  And play one program a week.  (Tuesday) (Today)  So I will talk to Jean and see if she understands more than I do.  We are so happy to get help, we were talking about taking it back and Jean really does like it.  Thanks again.  Joanne

A registration bank is a file. After you have memorized the 8 registration buttons, you need to save ths file under whatever name you want. Then do the next file.

Start there. When you can save files, then you can work on folders.

I think your life would be a lot simpler if you had one bank per song, but that's up to you.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Putting groups of Registrations in a folder keeps things nice and tidy on your user or USB stick. When toy have completed your registration bank then press Button J and then you can name the Reg. Bank and then
choose where to save it. Open up the folder you have created and save. I save a whole gig set to one folder which probably has about forty Registrations but I allow one bank to each song as I like to vary the sounds.


Quote from: jamsec on Feb 05, 2019, 07:49 AM
We have tried the tutorial, but we cannot seem to figure out what we are doing wrong. 
But will try them again.
Thanks for the advice.



Try going through the Tutorial/Lesson that introduces Registrations:



Fred, we still have a problem.  Jean did a factory reset, then deleted all files and folders. She then entered 8 songs with the Registration Memory buttons (1-1 to 1-8) When she pressed the Registration Bank Buttons (+ -) nothing happened.  No save button.  Character Enter Window appeared, the old K-Tel Folder appeared.  We do not know how to get a file, or how to save to a file.  And if she deleted all Folders and Files why did the K-Tel Folder appear again.

When she powers on now the K-tel is there, 70s 01(the new program title) is there, but when she presses information it gives her Registration Bank K-tel 1, #1-8 which should have been deleted.  And she cannot see the 8 songs she put in today.

Could the machine be defective?  Or are we just too old to learn new tricks?

:(   Joanne


When you complete making a registration bank you must then press Button J which will let you name and then save your bank to where you want to. You only use the (+/-) when advancing or going back on registrations that are already saved to a folder.


When you say "complete making a registration bank"  does that mean entering 8 songs in the Registration Memory?  And does Button J lead to folders?  Or Files?  And how do you delete everything from your machine, why when she said to delete all files and folders did it leave some?

thank you for your help


Copy this Blank.S917.RGT to your USB, When you select this file, all the Registration LED will turn off.
Select your song(Mp3), Style, Tempo, voice, Transpose [Follow instruction from  alanclare ]then press MEMORY and press number 1.
Continue to do it for the next 7 song.
then press + under REGIST BANK, the key board will ask you if you want to save it?
Press number 6 bottom to save it.
Save it to your USB ( page 28) , rename it as Bank 1 ( or any name) .
Press number 8 bottom to actual save the file (Bank 1).
Continue to do it for the next 100 bank

[attachment deleted by admin]

Fred Smith

Quote from: jamsec on Feb 06, 2019, 08:10 PM
When you say "complete making a registration bank"  does that mean entering 8 songs in the Registration Memory?  And does Button J lead to folders?  Or Files?  And how do you delete everything from your machine, why when she said to delete all files and folders did it leave some?

You're trying to do too many things at once. You need to accomplish one thing at a time before you move on to the next.

In your case, the most important task is to save a registration file. As Eileen said, after you've memorized all the buttons you want (in your case 8, but it could be any number), then you need to save the bank. Press the J button, then you will see a Save icon. Press it and follow the prompts.

Next, save a second file: memorize the 8 buttons, then save the file.

After that, you need to be able to retrieve your saved files. Press the J button, locate the first bank you saved and load it. Make sure all the buttons contain what you want. Load the second bank. Power off and on, and repeat this procedure.

Don't do anything else until you can save and retrieve at least two banks.


Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Well right this second everything is working.  We have put in 3 Registration Banks of 8 memories each.  Shut the machine off, then back on and OMG the songs are still there.  I cannot thank everyone of you for all your patience and help.  Poor Jean has been so frustrated.  We did do a couple of stupid things, we were using the USB and did not change to the User, and we were so happy everything was there, shut the machine off, I pulled out the USB and was going to go home, but one last check and nothing there.    :)   Took us a bit to find the copy and paste and we were able to get them into the User part.  We do seem to have an extra 'folder' that popped up then. It is called 70s BANK 01.  There is nothing in it. 

I can't stop smiling and I didn't do anything but read instructions.  Can't wait for the next lesson.

Thanks again!

[attachment deleted by admin]


User memory only 13MB.
You must have a 34GB mini usb connect to the keyboard and store everything in that usb.



They say that a picture is better than a thousand words. In which case, a video should be worth at least 10x a still picture.

Just take your time and watch Fred Smith's video demonstrations of the very points that you're trying to understand.

It's all there. Just watch one, please.



To Delete unwanted folders Press the delete button first and then select the folder you want to delete and then OK it.


Bomb proof instructions follow, for use if all else suggested so far fails.  :)

Unless you're intending to play medleys of eight songs in one go, using just one registration per song seems like a waste. You have almost limitless capacity for registrations on board, and if you use a big USB stick, then you're talking even nearer limitless, so why not be indulgent. ! Have several settings for each song and save each one to its own bank.

Yamaha Keyboards – Basic Instructions for using Registration Memories and Banks. Works from PSR1000 through to PSR-S975 and on all Tyros and most CVP Clavinova models.

Manually set your required sounds and style, tempo etc, and save into Registration Memory button 1. To do this, simply press Memory and then button 1.

Do the same for as many settings as you need for the song, typically one for 1st verse, one for 1st chorus, one for 2nd verse, one for final chorus. Each goes into a separate memory button. Remember that each button can store a change of sound, change of style variation (with a fill-in if you turn on Auto Fill-in and press the variation button so it's flashing when you store the setting) or even a different style, so indulge yourself! Most of my students use four or more settings for a song, many use the whole eight (or more, but that's more complex!)
When you've got enough buttons worth, you need to SAVE them as a REGISTRATION BANK. Here's how you do it.

A - Press button J
B - Press the button under the screen for SAVE. (Tyros 5 and PSR-S970/975 users will have to press Menu 1 first)
C - Press and hold the DELETE button under the screen for a few seconds to erase the current bank name - the start up default is 'New Bank'.
D - Use the buttons under the screen to give the registration bank a new, sensible name - usually the name of the song. Don't bother using more than 10 upper case characters for this as any more won't show up on screen! So "Shadow of your Smile" could be just "Shadow" or "Shadosmile", or something like that.
E - Press OK
That's it!

Do the same things for a few more songs. Each bank you save will be added to the list in the Registration Bank window (button J will get you there again!) in alphabetical order.

A -Press button J
B -Press the button under the screen for SAVE – the bank name will be the one you want this time. No need to rename it unless you want to make a copy of the bank. (If so follow the instructions for new banks.)
C -Press OK
When prompted about overwriting, answer 'Yes'.

Press button J, press the button next to the name of the song you want and then press button 1 in the Registration Memory buttons. Done!

Practise doing this, just the same as you would practise playing a song. It doesn't take very long to get the hang of it. Honest!

It's not what you play, it's not how you play. It's the fact that you're playing that counts.


Quote from: deepsae48 on Feb 07, 2019, 12:29 PM
User memory only 13MB.
You must have a 34GB mini usb connect to the keyboard and store everything in that usb.

Registration bank file are tiny, typically around 7kb and often less. My 'Blank' setup registration file is just 2kb. So 1024 x 7kb registration files would be 7Mb, so if you had nothing else stored in user, you'd still have space for almost 2000 registrations before having to go to USB. (You'd need to put them into neatly ordered folders by then!) But having even an 8GB stick would let you multiply that up by a factor of over 500 - hence my 'even nearer limitless' point earlier.
It's not what you play, it's not how you play. It's the fact that you're playing that counts.