Controlling PSR with MIDI from another keyboard

Started by tson, Jan 07, 2019, 04:08 PM

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Can anyone help with basic setup to allow another keyboard to act as a controller of the PSR-S975?  I plugged (other keyboard) MIDI OUT to Yamaha MIDI IN hoping that would be it. NADA. Reading the manuals just made it more confusing.  I would like to trigger the styles and chord recognition on the Yamaha also.  Any help would be great.


Not at my keyboard today so can't give you exact steps but you need to go into the midi settings menu and select ' receive' and the setting you want to trigger, - probably 'all' from what you say. That will allow you to use the controller keyboard to drive everything, as if you were playing the PSR keyboard. But you can select different settings that controls accompaniment only, voices etc.
Someone can probably give you exact steps if you are still struggling.