problem with pack install

Started by chuckeys123, Dec 26, 2018, 07:52 PM

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Hi Guys, Just got Jannes edm essentials 2. Created an install pack, loaded it..."some files did not load" message. Left with 3  pages of basses in the voices folder, and no expansion style folder at all. Tried different zip extractors, usb drives, even had janne send an EDM2  ppi.....same problem.  Reloaded the OS..nothing. Went back to the EDM essentials 1 pack, which always it wont work, albeit the edm packs are the only ones I have with style files in them.  Im hoping maybe something like this has happened to one of you guys, hoping for suggestions. Is there any Yamaha tech support out there that is accessible? Thank you. Charlie


Hi Charlie,

Perhaps you have run out of space on the User drive of your 970.

I don't think that you can check the available space using the keyboard, but you can check it using Yamaha's 'MusicSoft Downloader' program on a PC with the 970 connected by USB cable.

However it may be simpler (and probably quicker) to just create some temporary space on the User drive by copying some files to a USB stick and then deleting them from the User drive.   

Then try loading the pack again.  If it works then you have identified the problem and you will need to consider how you can tidy up the drive to leave plenty of space for loading packs.




Thanks. Ill give it a try. I thought that expansion memory was completely separate from user memory. I have quite a few files in user memory, most of which are already saved to external memory


As there is no Hard Drive on 970 it has to use the User to give you access to the files to use from the expansion memory.


I solved the problem by cleaning out some user memory. I thought expansion memory was a totally separate thing, not dependent on any other memory. Thanks for the advice!


Quote from: chuckeys123 on Dec 27, 2018, 02:00 PM
I solved the problem by cleaning out some user memory. I thought expansion memory was a totally separate thing, not dependent on any other memory.

The expansion memory is used only to store the sample waveforms. On the S series, the user memory is needed to store the voice definition files for the expansion voices, and for any styles from the pack.