New(?) free Voice & Style Expansion Packs for Genos?

Started by SeaGtGruff, Dec 18, 2018, 12:02 AM

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Have these been mentioned before? I just happened to see them. There are also versions for PSR-A3000, which were the ones I saw first:

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Al Ram

thanks for sharing.

It is interesting to see that the link says asia-latinamerica-mea but I could only see mea selections.

are there other latin free packs for Genos  . . .  ? anybody know ?

San Diego/Tijuana


I didn't see any Latin American packs on that Yamaha site, but who knows what might be available on Yamaha's other sites? It might be time for us to go checking out all of their different sites to see which ones have packs that aren't listed on the other sites.

I take it that "mea" in the URL stands for "Middle East/Africa," since that particular Yamaha site covers the Middle East and Africa in addition to parts of Asia and Latin America.

EDIT: PS-- Judging by the statement above those free packs ("Thanks to Yamaha's new Voice & Style Expansion contents for the PSR"), it seems the main reason these packs are available for the Genos is because they were recently created for the PSR-A3000, so Yamaha decided to convert them for the Genos as well.


I find sounds from middle eastern expansion better than sounds from these free packages.

The big problem with middle eastern expansion is its size.


JohnS (Ugawoga)

Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.


I had a free download when i registered the Genos..
The European pack, mostly Italian stuff inside..

Strange thing, when i uploaded it together with my self created piano pack..
The piano packs voices didn't  show up in the Genos
The styles and registrations of the european pack had blank uninitiated voices

Both packs individually goes flawlessly

So i must be doing something wrong
but might be me, i have always been struggling with Yem..
Didn't use it much on my T5, for this reason..



In YEM, did you checked the 'LSB' of your packs ? (in 'My Packs', select a pack, then click on the '>' button at the top, then 'Change Bank Select LSB')

In theory, each pack should automatically receive a different LSB, but if two packs have the same LSB symptoms like the one you described can happen ('empty registration', conflit between two packs, etc...)

The same thing can happens if you created your own registrations from packs, removed the pack, reinstalled it (YEM could have changed the LSB without noticing you...) , your existing registrations 'lost' their link with the voices...

To double-check, on the Genos there's an option that allow you to display the 'Voice Number' (LSB/MSB/Prog #) ...



Quote from: BenoitM on Feb 03, 2019, 03:50 AM

In YEM, did you checked the 'LSB' of your packs ? (in 'My Packs', select a pack, then click on the '>' button at the top, then 'Change Bank Select LSB')

In theory, each pack should automatically receive a different LSB, but if two packs have the same LSB symptoms like the one you described can happen ('empty registration', conflit between two packs, etc...)

The same thing can happens if you created your own registrations from packs, removed the pack, reinstalled it (YEM could have changed the LSB without noticing you...) , your existing registrations 'lost' their link with the voices...

To double-check, on the Genos there's an option that allow you to display the 'Voice Number' (LSB/MSB/Prog #) ...


I will have to check this..
Still feel like a nitwit, where it comes to Yem..
It isn't user friendly at all..

But i also can see where this is comming from..
And have enough technical knowledge to realise this is as good as it gets
