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Channels in PSR Keyboards ( A-3000 here)

Started by chikitin, Dec 14, 2018, 12:38 AM

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If I am understanding it correctly, we have three types of Channels setting in PSR that are set independently. Style, Panel and Song.

Is it possible to save the setting with the name in the mixer (say song) and recall it by its name? I know I can use registers. But I would like to save it with a name. The reason I am asking this is because I am recording a song played by PSR in cubase and each time to play it back I have to reset the Song channels.

The way I record is, I set the channels in the song mix console, then I assign them in cubase MIDI channels. Then I record my instruments one at a time. But then if I turn off the PSR, everything is gone and I have to reset the channels again which is sometimes for 16 channels is painful and you loose the settings. Maybe I am recording my PSR in not a good way? Is there a better way to record my PSR in cubase?

Thank you very much.