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Question to E463 owners regarding A/B Repeat

Started by tomsixtwo, Nov 15, 2018, 12:52 PM

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Just a short question to the E463 owners: If A/B Repeat is enabled, is there the one bar precount before every repetition? My hope is, that this new model maybe doesn't have that (at least for me) annoying feature because it's not mentioned in the manual.


When I select a Song, play a song, select A and B, repeat is OK
But when I stop and restart the same song, I've got a sort of metronome at the beginning...
I think you are talking about that ?



Thank you very much for your quick reply, even if I hoped for another answer  ;)


Yes, the PSR-E models insert the count-off measure. I've been able to circumvent the count-off measure by very carefully timing the repeat-- as you may have seen me describe in other threads either on this forum or on other forums-- but it's easy to get off on the timing and it requires constantly (or repeatedly) hitting the button to repeat the loop, so it isn't a "hands-free" solution. Also, if I remember correctly someone with a PSR-E3xx model said that it works differently on his model than on my PSR-E4xx models, so it appears that the "trick" I had described isn't always a potential solution.

EDIT: Oh, wait, you were specifically asking about the PSR-E463/PSR-EW410. I had also noticed that the count-off measure isn't mentioned in connection to the A-B Repeat feature, so it's possible that Yamaha changed the way that feature behaves on the new models. And from what Fantomas has said, it sounds like the count-off measure does not get inserted before every iteration of the A-B Repeat loop, only at the very beginning of the entire song. And while you can't prevent the count-off at the start of the song, you can at least turn the Metronome Volume down to 0 so the ticking can't be heard.