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Something strange ... A small Genos Bug ?

Started by soundphase, Oct 23, 2018, 01:37 PM

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Hello all

I think I discovered a bug.

I use registrations, sequences and a pedal to change registration and go to the next in the sequence.

I have the registration 5 followed by the registration 1 in my sequence.

Registration 5, left Orchestral Harp, R1 Orchestral Harp, R2, GospelVocalHmm Octave 0 Vol 48 Sensitivity Depth 64 Offset 70, R3 New Atmosphere Off. No ACMP, no Style. Split Fingering Style F2, Left F2, R3 F#2
Registration 1, left Orchestral Harp, R1 Orchestral Harp, R2, GospelVocalHmm Octave -1 Vol 35 Sensitivity Depth 97 Offset 88, R3 New Atmosphere ON. No ACMP, no Style. Split Fingering Style C3, Left C3, R3 C#3

Sometimes (and not always), after I switch Reg5 to Reg1, the R2 (GospelVocalHmm) voice totally disappears until I play on the E4 key or beyond (I think it's E4, not totally sure). Once it is OK, I can play below E4 and hear the R2 sound normally ...

It only happens in this situation with these voices.

Did anyone already experience this strange behaviour ?



Once again today. R2 sound doesn't appear. Always in the same conditions. I verified, it is not associated with velocity.

I tested every notes. Bb3 was the first note for which the sound appeared again. Once the sound appeared, it is OK. Perhaps it is not a position on the keyboard but a polyphony problem.

Strange ....


Hi soundphase,
Is it possible one or a combination of your registrations ends up leaving your R3 split point a semitone or so up from where it should be, which can result in RH voices not playing as expected?
Suggest next time it happens you look at the keyboard screen to see if there is an unwanted extra step (split) in the display.


Lee Batchelor

Agreed. The split positions are memorized in a Reg bank. I've made the same error by using a Reg with an odd split point, as a template for another Reg.

1 - Create a universal Reg and use it as a template.
2 - Use a reliable song Reg to create a new one. Make your modifications, and then save it under a different name. The new Reg inherits the setups of the old.
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


soundphase, if I understand you right, you are saying that you select a registration, then once the R2 voice has been "activated" (by playing a high note) it then sounds across the whole keyboard range.

This definitely sounds like a bug ...

Fred Smith

Quote from: Lee Batchelor on Oct 26, 2018, 07:01 AM
Agreed. The split positions are memorized in a Reg bank. I've made the same error by using a Reg with an odd split point, as a template for another Reg.

1 - Create a universal Reg and use it as a template.
2 - Use a reliable song Reg to create a new one. Make your modifications, and then save it under a different name. The new Reg inherits the setups of the old.

A better way is to lock the split point in Parameter Lock. Then registrations can't change your split point.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons

Lee Batchelor

QuoteA better way is to lock the split point in Parameter Lock. Then registrations can't change your split point.
Agreed, Fred - until you really need a split point change? I must admit, I hardly ever need to alter the default split points. Good point. (No pun intended :)!)
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.

Fred Smith

Quote from: Lee Batchelor on Oct 26, 2018, 08:39 AM
Agreed, Fred - until you really need a split point change? I must admit, I hardly ever need to alter the default split points. Good point. (No pun intended :)!)

Valid point, but in that case you can change it manually.

Maybe the split point change hierarchy is:

Regularly change: Parameter Lock off, change in registrations
Occasionally change: Parameter Lock on, change manually
Never change: Parameter Lock on

Of course, it's up to each user to decide which class they're in.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons

Lee Batchelor

"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


Thank you for your answers.

(Here, I really need to change split point)

I don't think this issue concerns split point as it concerns R2 part which is not at all concerned by split points.

R2 sound (which is on with a good volume) doesn't appear after the registration switch. R2 sound only re-appears after I play several notes.

First, I thought it re-appears after I play notes higher on the keyboard (I thought about a kind of split issue too). Now I'm not so sure. Perhaps it's a polyphony problem

But the problem doesn't appear each time I switch my registrations. And it only happens between these registrations.



Quote from: soundphase on Oct 23, 2018, 01:37 PM
... I think I discovered a bug. ...

I have the registration 5 followed by the registration 1 in my sequence.

Registration 5, left Orchestral Harp, R1 Orchestral Harp, R2, GospelVocalHmm Octave 0 Vol 48 Sensitivity Depth 64 Offset 70, R3 New Atmosphere Off. No ACMP, no Style. Split Fingering Style F2, Left F2, R3 F#2
Registration 1, left Orchestral Harp, R1 Orchestral Harp, R2, GospelVocalHmm Octave -1 Vol 35 Sensitivity Depth 97 Offset 88, R3 New Atmosphere ON. No ACMP, no Style. Split Fingering Style C3, Left C3, R3 C#3

Sometimes (and not always), after I switch Reg5 to Reg1, the R2 (GospelVocalHmm) voice totally disappears until I play on the E4 key or beyond (I think it's E4, not totally sure). Once it is OK, I can play below E4 and hear the R2 sound normally ...

It only happens in this situation with these voices.

Did anyone already experience this strange behaviour ? ...

Hi Soundphase,

which boxes did you check, when memorizing this Registration?

To memorize "ACMP On/Off status", "LEFT Voice settings" and "LEFT Split Point" you MUST check the box "Style"!

When only the box "Voice" is checked, only the "RIGHT 1 - 3 Voice settings" and the "RIGHT 3 Split Point" are memorized in a Registration.

I recommend also ALWAYS to check the box "Keyboard Harmony / Arpeggio" (even if this function is NOT used at the moment!): Only in this way a Registration will disable "Keyboard Harmony / Arpeggio" if it was used in a previous Registration.

To make a pure "Voice Registration" (that contains RIGHT and LEFT Voice settings and also ALL Split Point settings, but will NOT change the actual loaded STYLE), you can use a little "trick":

• First, copy a Preset Style to User drive or to a USB stick and rename the Style (e. g. "Dummy Style").

• Load the Style.

• Make the desired Voice settings (Left/Right) and Split Point settings

• Memorize your Registration(s) with having at least checked the boxes "Voice" and "Style".

• After you have saved your Registration Bank, delete the "Dummy Style" or simple disconnect the USB stick which contains that Style.

• Your Registrations will NOT change the Style in future (but only the Keyboard Voice settings), because the Registrations can not find the Style that was originally memorized. :)

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Thank you for all your comments.
Style and Keyboard Harmony/Arpeggio are checked

The issue reappeared tonight. It doesn't appear each time I play the same thing, only sometimes.

It's R2 voice that is concerned, so nothing to do with split configuration that doesn't manage R2.

I fully tested. It's not polyphony, it's not velocity.
When I switched registrations, I was playing the third F# on a 76-notes keyboard (let's say F#3), then A3, C#4, F#4 higher in a kind of arpeggio.

The R2 sound only starts playing normally as soon as I play A#4 or higher note, but never appears before. Once the sound is appeared, all is right for the full keyboard.

So I have a bug.



Quote from: soundphase on Oct 29, 2018, 02:02 PM... Style and Keyboard Harmony/Arpeggio are checked

The issue reappeared tonight. It doesn't appear each time I play the same thing, only sometimes.

It's R2 voice that is concerned, so nothing to do with split configuration that doesn't manage R2.

I fully tested. It's not polyphony, it's not velocity.
When I switched registrations, I was playing the third F# on a 76-notes keyboard (let's say F#3), then A3, C#4, F#4 higher in a kind of arpeggio.

The R2 sound only starts playing normally as soon as I play A#4 or higher note, but never appears before. Once the sound is appeared, all is right for the full keyboard.

So I have a bug. ...

Hi Soundphase,

problems like the one you described can occur, if in some Registrations of a Reg Bank particular things are memorized and in other Registrations of this Bank NOT (or with other Parameters).

Unfortunately, you can not see "in retrospect" (directly on the instrument), which boxes (Parameter Groups) were checked when a particular Registration was memorized.

You are right: There is no special Split Point for Right 1/2. BUT these Parts depend on the settings of the LEFT Split Point and the RIGHT 3 Split Point.

I recommend to do the following things:

• Check the Registrations in YRM software program (Yamaha Registration Manager):

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• Call up the Split Point display on Genos, and then activate the Registrations of the Reg Bank successively in different orders to check if the Split Points in ALL Registrations are memorized correctly.

• As a precaution, I would check each single Registration (especially the Split Points) and then re-memorize the Reg "to itself" with the correct Parameter Group boxes checked. Finally resave the Reg Bank (preferably with a new file name, to leave the previous Reg file untouched).

I hope these steps will solve the problem!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


OK, but why doesn't this issue appear systematically ?