How to EDIT the BASS and CHD1 channels in a style?

Started by DrakeM, Oct 22, 2018, 06:30 PM

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How to EDIT the BASS and CHD1 channels in a style?

I think I used to be able to edit the bass and Chd1 channels in a style. I am wanting to just silence few of the notes in the pattern.

The Style Creator is set up by default to edit the RHY1 & 2 channels but is there a way to do the same thing with the Bass and CHD1 channels?



You'll need to Unlock the Style First.
Lucky if that section of the Style is Unlocked.

Head over to Style Creator.
Active the Recording for that Particular Channel ( If it's Unlocked Successful) Head over to Step Edit and then Search for the Note you want to Silence )

If this method doesn't work.
You'll need Mix Master.
Someone who knows that software well should be able to help
Regards Norman ..

Norman Fernandez Keyboardplayer

PSR S770 - Roland FP 30 - PSR 280
Cubase - Kontakt6


To activate the Rec Channel

Press Rec + (Bottom Button of the Channel)

Bass Will be On 6 if I'm Correct.
I don't have my keyboard.

Also You'll Receive a Note you'll have to Unlock the Style. 

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Download it from here.
Norman Fernandez Keyboardplayer

PSR S770 - Roland FP 30 - PSR 280
Cubase - Kontakt6

Joe H

Buy a copy of StyleMagic... everything is so much easier when editing in StyleMagic.

Joe H

Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Thanks Norman for directing me to the "Style Unlocker" program and for the steps to take to then adjust the track. Also a big thank you to Jorgen all the free programs. ;)

Joe, thanks pointing out that "StyleMagic" would work as well.



Quote from: Joe H on Oct 22, 2018, 11:03 PM
Buy a copy of StyleMagic... everything is so much easier when editing in StyleMagic.

Joe H

Is Style Magic, fully compatible with T4?
Where do I acquire it?
What are the features of this app?
I assume I have to download it on a PC.
I use T4 as a drum machine. Playing my own acmp and bass. MIDI songs are my latest interest. If anyone wishes to share knowledge on MIDI songs let me know.


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There's a demo version. 
Norman Fernandez Keyboardplayer

PSR S770 - Roland FP 30 - PSR 280
Cubase - Kontakt6

Joe H


If you decide to buy StyleMagic, you will have to disconnect ALL USB drives when ordering the program except for the one you wish to use for the dongle.  StyleMagic is copy protected and requires a USB drive that is registered with midisoft to work. Some people don't like the idea of a dongle but it is the best way for the author to protect his investment.  I use a MICRO size USB drive, it is very small and you can leave it in all the time. You can also run StyleMagic installed on any PC  by just plugging the dongle in.  This is the same kind of copy protection used for Cubase.

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Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Does StyleMagic take a lot of learning before one can do useful things with it?


Joe H


That depends on what you want to do with StyleMagic.  The program is great for major editing of styles.  You can do things not easily accomplished on the keyboard or not even possible... for instance. 

1. If you want to change the octave of a style part... it's a piece of cake with StyleMagic.

2. Editing the drum kit to tweak your drum sounds is a fantastic feature.

3. Copying an entire style Section (or saving to disk) is a simple as drag 'n drop.

4.  Mixing a style is a dream.

5 Now with valimaties new program YEM Content Explorer v2,43547.msg351840.html#msg351840 and midisoft's idleditor v2 Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login we can easily create expansion pack Voice files for StyleMagic. YCE will also create Voice files for MixMaster, PadMaker, and PadMaker-Midi.

6. Another big editing feature is being able to adjust velocity values (volume) for style parts after you select a new voice or copy a style part from one Section to another.

Many more key features.  But if you want to create a custom style... not so easy.  I've been trying to get Thomas to add a new feature (Import MIDI Loop) which is an easier way to make a new style from scratch.

You can always download the demo program and give it a try.  The demo will NOT allow you to save any edits though; that function is disabled.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:



Thank you for your detailed exposition of what is obviously an impressive piece of software. You have answered my question perfectly. My way of life and my age mean that I have to be very selective when deciding between alternatives. In this case I shall take the coward's way out and say thanks, again, but no thanks.



Can someone tell me please,if I download MixMaster programme for editing midi files I presume I would have to connect my computer to my Tyros 5 to be able to hear the midi file properly otherwise I will only hear midi notes being played?Is that correct & how would I connect to the keyboard for editing?Thanks.


Quote from: larrygreen1 on Oct 18, 2019, 10:22 AM
Can someone tell me please,if I download MixMaster programme for editing midi files I presume I would have to connect my computer to my Tyros 5 to be able to hear the midi file properly otherwise I will only hear midi notes being played?Is that correct & how would I connect to the keyboard for editing?Thanks.

Use the Printer Cable to connect your Tyros to the PC
Norman Fernandez Keyboardplayer

PSR S770 - Roland FP 30 - PSR 280
Cubase - Kontakt6


While we're on this topic, when using the style editor and I want to vary the drum set, how do I specify which of the two sets I'm editing?



Quote from: DrakeM on Oct 22, 2018, 06:30 PM
How to EDIT the BASS and CHD1 channels in a style?

I think I used to be able to edit the bass and Chd1 channels in a style. I am wanting to just silence few of the notes in the pattern.

The Style Creator is set up by default to edit the RHY1 & 2 channels but is there a way to do the same thing with the Bass and CHD1 channels?


Hi Drake,

Style editing can be done on a computer with free programs. You'll listen to how it sounds on the keyboard, and the visibility is much higher than in Style Creator. Watch a short video that explains what I'm talking about.
Watch my video channel


Quote from: DrakeM on Oct 23, 2018, 09:34 AM
Thanks Norman for directing me to the "Style Unlocker" program and for the steps to take to then adjust the track. Also a big thank you to Jorgen all the free programs. ;)

Joe, thanks pointing out that "StyleMagic" would work as well.



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