Failed to combine two different styles in a song

Started by hans1966, Oct 21, 2018, 01:26 PM

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Hi friends, I did a Midi sequence on my S770, using the "BoleroRanchero" style that belongs to the expansion pack "Mariachi & Norteño" as the main base of the Mexican song "Vivo Contenta". and it is sung by a singer called "Paquita la del Barrio". Originally the song is made with Mariachi, but with a rhythmic base of minor percussion (Bongós, Maracas, Congas). The drawback is that I first recorded the entire base of the song with the style "Bolero Ranchero", and as such, this style does not come with minor percussion. When I saw that channels 9 and 10 were empty, it occurred to me to record a pattern of a different style called "BoleroClásico" to combine it with "BoleroRanchero". The surprise is that after finishing the arrangement of the song, I thought that everything was fine, but when I changed the song and came back to "Live Contenta", there was automatically a change in which "PopLatinKit" happened to "Standard Kit1", and I had to change it manually. my question is: is there any way that "PopLatinKid" stays fixed from the beginning, without having to manually configure it again? I appreciate the help you can give me. Greetings. Hans
"Enjoying my SX600, and moving step by step through the journey of life"


You did not mention that after you made your change to the drum kit that you SAVED the style to your USB stick with a new name.

Did you do that step?


Quote from: DrakeM on Oct 21, 2018, 01:36 PM
You did not mention that after you made your change to the drum kit that you SAVED the style to your USB stick with a new name.

Did you do that step?

Hello DrakeM, it's true, I did not save it because the "BoleroClásico" style was not done by me. I bought it several years ago in "YamahaMusicSoft". what I did was mix on channel 9 and 10, which correspond only to percussion and drums. the other parts or channels of the style were not recorded because they were previously recorded with the style "BoleroRanchero". and I saved this combination in song mode on the USB memory. What I want to say is that this MIDI sequence was made based on the original song "Vivo Contenta" that sings "Paquita la del Barrio" and two styles were used 1. BoleroRanchero (full style, channels 11 to 14) and 2. BoleroClassic (channels 9 and 10) the problem is when I come from another MIDI song, to this, or when I turn on the keyboard and select this song, something strange happens on channel 9. PopLatinKid passes to Standad Kit1. It should not happen since PopLatinKid is part of the Bolero-Classical style and is recorded from the beginning of the song. greetings Hans
"Enjoying my SX600, and moving step by step through the journey of life"


I am not that familiar with multi layering a midi file or as you said you are even adding parts to the midi using a second style. I didn't know you could do that.

I don't have any ideas as to how to help you.

When figuring out an arrangement for setting up a new custom song style I have multi tracked. I have noticed that if I go back to the midi and add an additional track and find that I need to increase the volume, the same thing happens to me. The increased volume isn't saved to the midi setting even though, I am pretty sure I saved the midi.

To me it wasn't an issue as I was just figuring out the volumes to set up in the song style. I wasn't going to be using the midi once I had the style all balanced out.

Ed B

Hi Hans
I would take a look at your midi in MixMaster and see if the appropriate program change is there for channel 9. If not you should be able to correct it.

Ed B
Keep on learning


Hello DrakeM, thanks for your comments. Yes, you can mix two different styles in a song, but you always have to re-adjust the percussion kit on the indicated channel each time you want to play it. the truth is a bit annoying. the other solution is to record the MIDI song in audio, and have it as a WAV file. Greetings. Hans
"Enjoying my SX600, and moving step by step through the journey of life"


Hi Ed B, thanks for your suggestion, I'm going to take a look at the control or program changes, and I'll let you know. Greetings. Hans
"Enjoying my SX600, and moving step by step through the journey of life"