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Volume control query - split keyboard

Started by Rumney, Oct 16, 2018, 11:37 AM

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Here I go again - sorry to keep annoying everyone with my inane questions but... as a very new user of the Genos and a complete novice keyboardist (is that even a real word)  :) I find myself using the split keyboard with single finger chords (it amazes me that even I can strangle out a tune already).

My problem is that the rhythm and chords produced by my left hand seem to overpower the melody being output from my right hand. Is there an easy way to adjust the balance between the left and right sections whilst in this mode?

I promise that I will stop asking questions now for a while ::)


Hi Rumney,

The default volume for the R1, R2, R3, Left, Style etc is 100, as you can see the brightly backlit values above the faders.  Usually volume value 100 for style is too loud when the right voices are set at 100 only.

You can adjust your faders 3 (R1), 4 (R2), 5 (R3) etc to 127 or whatever you feel right.  I usually prefer to set R1 volume to 127.

You can also pull down fader 1 (Style) to make the style less loud.

If you tweak and have a preference for a certain volume levels for each part within a particular style, you can save the style as a user style and it will hold your current volume settings.



Thanks Paul - you are my Guru again!!

So no simple single slider or rotary knob - I will give your suggested settings a try. You say that I can save this balance setting as a user style - you know what my next question is don't you :)

Reminder to self - READ THE MANUAL :)


Hi Rumney,

You can also create registration to memorize the volume settings of your voice parts of a style.  I usually create a bank of 10 registrations for each song in mind to memorize style and voice settings, with voice volume, voice choices, style choices, the associated style intro, variation, ending, etc. memorized by each of the 10 registrations inside the same registration bank.  When playing different portions of a song, I press different registration buttons accordingly, instead of pressing other buttons, to simplify arranger controls, and concentrate on my fingers on the keyboard.



Quote from: Rumney on Oct 16, 2018, 11:55 AM
So no simple single slider or rotary knob - I will give your suggested settings a try.

I thought I mentioned you can pull down slider/fader 1 "style" to make the style playing less louder, say, you reduce the style volume to 80, while the rest of the voices are still untouched at volume level 100 - is it not a simple single slider action?



Paul - yes that is certainly a simple slider.

I have tried your suggestions and they work a treat - thank you  :)