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How To Slow Down Arpeggio

Started by gerarde, Sep 16, 2018, 03:00 PM

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Thought I would try and use an arpeggio for the Platters My Prayer.
Using the Concert Grand in Right 1.
Selected Arpeggoi/Up&Down in Category.
Selected UP&Down A Octave 1 in type.
Went to Voice setting and tried the Settings for Quantize.
When I play the style, turn on Arpeggio, it goes very fast and is not is sync with the style.
Can I slow down the arpeggio at all?



I think I found part of the answer.
In knob assign, the far right knob, changes the speed, and is Called ArpUnitM.

Joe H

Yes gerard,

It is Arp Unit Multiply. It in effect will half the speed or double the speed.  The in between positions I suspect are for 3/4 time.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Thanks Joe.
It works ok adjusting it.
The arpeggio works on all voices. Right 1,2,3.
I was hoping for it to work on Right 1, and not on 2 or 3.
I wanted to have piano on Right 1 with the arpeggio and layer strings on Right 2 with no arpeggio.
Any way to make that happen?


Joe H

On my S970, when I open the arpeggiator screen, there is a Detail button I can select.  Tap that button (box) and you should have the option to set the arp to just R1.  I do what you are wanting to do often. I can select R1 or R2 to play the arp alone and the other right hand Voice plays normal.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Good idea Joe.
I will try that tomorrow and see if I can get it to work.
And hopefully, I can save it to my registration.



I was able to set it to Right 1 only, and can layer strings on right 2.
Plus, everything saved to a registration.
I found you have to be very careful when you start the arp to keep it in sync with the style, meaning starting on beat 1 of the measure.
It is too bad there are not more arps to chose from.
Thanks Joe for your help.


Joe H

Quote from: gerard on Sep 17, 2018, 08:46 AM
... I found you have to be very careful when you start the arp to keep it in sync with the style, meaning starting on beat 1 of the measure...

Yes... that is important, and it's true with any keyboard that has an arpeggiator... timing is everything.  If the arp is out of sync... just lift your fingers from the keyboard and press again on the first down-beat of the next bar to get it in sync.  Once you get the hang of it; it will come automatically.

And yes, I'm disappointed too that Yamaha did not include more arpeggio types on the new arrangers.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Quote from: Joe H on Sep 17, 2018, 10:08 AM
Yes... that is important, and it's true with any keyboard that has an arpeggiator... timing is everything.  If the arp is out of sync... just lift your fingers from the keyboard and press again on the first down-beat of the next bar to get it in sync.  Once you get the hang of it; it will come automatically.

And yes, I'm disappointed too that Yamaha did not include more arpeggio types on the new arrangers.

Joe H

The new modx offers everything the Genos is missing...
8 mainsounds, with an arp for every channel...
And USB audio..
And indepth edditing and creation of sounds..

Its still a missed chance for yamaha to have added a really meaningfull form of arps...

Joe H


I doubt we will ever see more than 1 arpeggiator on the arranger... but who knows, I might be wrong.  There is the possibility that the 4 Multi Pads could become like the Performances on the Motif... 4 live arpeggiators.

I submitted a suggestion to Yamaha that they provide a firmware update to allow the Live Control settings to be saved in registrations. They came back with an answer from Japan engineers that "it can't be done" but they fixed that in the Genos and then the PSR S975.  I think they had to re-write the OS code to do that.  That's a major improvement.

I hope they will listen to us who know how important encoder knob/controls are over standard pots. They are far superior for performance. On my Motif Rack XS I can change a parameter using the encoder knobs.  The display shows the original setting and the current (edited) setting so I can always go back to the original setting if I want.  And of coarse encoders offer a smooth transition from the current setting to a new setting, whereas the standard pots always cause a "jump" in the parameter setting.

Yamaha need to offer better technology for the price we are paying.  They have already implemented these features on other keyboards. Their arranger boards are good... but they could be better. Those who don't understand the issue will say stop complaining... don't buy a Yamaha arranger... But I will predict that if Yamaha do what you and I have suggested (make a better keyboard) then those who would say... stop wining will acknowledge that we were right.


Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs: