best way to switch around on vh

Started by ekurburski, Aug 26, 2018, 05:14 PM

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Ok.  I have hooked up a mike and started to play around with the vh on my 3000. 

1.Question comes up as to what is the best way to switch between settings while playing live.  I want to sing the verse w/o harmony and have the harmony come in on the chorus.

2. Or I want to switch the type of harmony from say male duet to female chorus.

You get the idea.  I'm thinking it may be necessary for me to create separate registrations for each part of the song.  Can you switch registrations in mid song with loosing meter?

Fred Smith

Quote from: ekurburski on Aug 26, 2018, 05:14 PM
Ok.  I have hooked up a mike and started to play around with the vh on my 3000. 

1.Question comes up as to what is the best way to switch between settings while playing live.  I want to sing the verse w/o harmony and have the harmony come in on the chorus.

2. Or I want to switch the type of harmony from say male duet to female chorus.

You get the idea.  I'm thinking it may be necessary for me to create separate registrations for each part of the song.  Can you switch registrations in mid song with loosing meter?

The best way is with registrations.  If you don't want something changed (like the song playing), then make sure that group is unchecked when you memorize the registration.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


To switch type, you need registrations.

To keep the same type - but switch on or off as you go - you can assign the VH on/off function to a foot pedal.