transfer global settings from Genos1 to Genos2 ?

Started by Al Ram, Aug 15, 2018, 08:51 PM

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Al Ram

If you had two Genos . . .  (which i don't) say Genos1 for home and Genos2 for gigs . . . .

or if you have to play on an another Genos (not yours).

is there an easy way to quickly transfer all global settings from Genos1 to Genos2  via USB . . . ?

so that Genos2 quickly becomes an exact clone of Genos1.

Assuming all registrations, external styles, external multipads are on USB (not on Genos1 user area).

Also, will iPad/SongBook+ connect to Genos2, if the links are to registrations in USB ? (as oppossed to Genos1  user area).  Of course you would use the same physical (cable or wireless) connection between ipad and Genos2.

The idea is to quickly start playing on Genos2 by just plugging in the USB without spending a lot of time in setup.

Anybody has a set up like this . . . ? or has done it before ?

thanks in advance.

San Diego/Tijuana

Fred Smith

I had two Tyros 4s, so know some of the issues.

They key is to have a setup registration which sets up the keyboard for you. You need to turn off Parameter Lock before loading it, and I'm sure the owner of the second keyboard would want it put back to the way you found it. Which would mean resetting Parameter Lock at the end of your stint, and loading its setup registration (which you might have to create before loading yours).

One problem I can see with the Genos is that you can't lock the assignment settings. So if your registrations change them, the owner of the second keyboard might be unhappy with you.

If you have all user files on a USB, the second keyboard will find them without any difficulty.

Regarding the SongBook links, that's a real interesting question -- whether they're stored with the registration, or somewhere else. I stuck with the old method of using midi files, so I know mine are portable, but I'm not sure about those using the new linking method. To get a proper answer, you should just e-mail Matthias Baum, as I'm sure he knows where the link is stored.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


There may also be issues with

- MIDI settings
- Expansion stuff (voices, packs)

Regarding the songbook links ... I don't think there will be a problem, as Genos does not store anything about the link. It is all stored on the tablet by the application itself.
You would of course need to make sure that the USB has the same drive letter assignment as on Genos 1, as the full registration file paths are used by the app to triggger the link.


Genos 1, PSR SX900, Roland PK6, Ketron SD1000
MSI Cubi 5 mini pc with IIyama prolite 24" touchscreen, MobileSheets


In the Factory Reset /Backup section of the menus there is a list of files that you can save (and transfer to a second Genos if you need to). For example saving a System file preserves your chosen settings for the keyboard. Re-loading later on is like doing a normal reset but without powering off, and instead of getting the often unwanted defaults back, it gives you the settings "You" want. User Effects saves (and reloads) user DSP's, user vocal settings and master EQ and Compressor. Similarly there is a Midi setup file.
Touch the down arrow by FactoryReset to see the options to save or reload setup files.



I will soon have a chance to test this, as I decided (after a nice bonus at work) to order a 2nd Genos!  [One to leave set up full-time at home, another that will be in a case ready for gigs).  I was going to hand-copy the files (from each area, such as Reg, Voice, Style, Song, etc) - but I had forgotten about Backup etc., so I'll try a Backup and then Restore it on the 2nd Genos.

I assume I'll have to build a new "package" file for my expansion voices, which I assume should be easy to build and install (and just take some clock-time to load that first time).

So within a week I'll have some actual experience on how to do this, I hope!

Raleigh, NC, USA / Genos / Tyros5-61 / Lucas Nana 600 / other stuff

Al Ram

Thank you all for your feedback.  it is appreciated.

I am 50/50 on getting a second Genos, still undecided . . . . . my question was in preparation.

I will wait to hear from Jim on his second Genos and see how easy/difficult it is in practice to keep two Genos in synch

thank you all.
San Diego/Tijuana

Toril S

Always good to have a backup, especially if you gig!
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Genos really ought to have a 'user setup export' option to usb.
That would also be a backup, and on loading INTO an instrument, it could ask to 'save the present user file'

Yamaha could maybe be lobbied to add the feature.
We can do this with our laptops, routers, etc, why not our advanced keyboards?
😊  I started out with nothing .. and I've got most of it left!  😊

🎹 Tyros 5-76,  now the brilliant Genos 🎹
Genelec 8030C Studio Monitors on K&M stands
K&M Spider Pro Stand, K&M Accessories. I love K&M!


Well, I got my 2nd Genes, and used the Backup/REstore operation (with "Audio Files" ticked also), and it worked GREAT!  I couldn't believe how fast all my custom stuff was transferred (saved then restored).  It seemed to have saved everything - my Registrations, custom Voice (but not expansion voices), my custom Effects, my MIDI settings, my pedal polarity settings, my audio files, MP3s and MIDI files etc. etc.

I did have to separately get my Expansion voices in - this was easy too - I just:
1) made an "Instrument File" on the new Genus (under the "Expansion" sub-menu)
2) Imported this "instrument file" into YEM on my Mac
3) Made a new Pack file using YEM, after selecting the newly-imported Instrument File
4) Loaded that new Pack file into the new Genus (under "Expansion" sub-menu)

So with very little effort, my new Genos seems to be 100% identical to my other one - it will take time to try many more things to be sure, but it seemed to work VERY well!  What I thought was going to be a weekend project, ending being a ~90 minute project, including time it takes to create the Pack file and time to load it.

Raleigh, NC, USA / Genos / Tyros5-61 / Lucas Nana 600 / other stuff


I keep my two Genos's identical as well. Yes, I used the User Backup feature initially to transfer my Global and custom User data.

I done this backup a while back, but I seem to recall that your User memory must remain under 2 GB or something like that because there is a certain limit on the Backup file size. For this reason, I use the User drive for only settings and user data.

All my custom home studio work is saved to a USB pen drive while using my studio Genos. I just bring that USB drive with me for my gigging Genos and read off that. Expansion is identical because both boards share the identical files with the YEM (Yamaha Expansion Manager). Lastly, I keep a backup USB pen drive as well, kept identical to the first one and updated as I go. I use short 6 inch USB extensions that I keep one end in the Genos USB socket, so that plugging and unplugging the USB pen drive back and forth doesn't wear out the Genos USB socket.

The Genos is the best arranger board I have owned and the best twinset setup I ever owned. I also decided to transfer all my sheet music electronically and read all my music off the Genos screen itself. A lot of effort reworking my files and registrations, but worth it in the end to just read off the Genos screen.

This requires me to work mostly with custom MIDI files or MIDIs synced to custom styles and Multipads. Working mostly now building up a custom audio link multipad library, with the Genos now allowing more than one audio link Multipad to play at a time or loaded at a time.

Audio files use up the most memory, so with the cheaper high capacity USB pen drives available, I easily store them there. Again, if I store beyond 2 GB on the Genos User drive, I may not be able to make a User Backup file. So the easy solution is saving Audio files on my PC or the USB pen drives I use.



Hi - yes, your data (*not* including Audio files) must be 2GB or less for the BackupRestore to work.  For me, even with hundreds of Registrations files, lots of extra Styles, MIDI files, etc.) my data is way under 2GB.  However, for people that perhaps have accumulated thousands of styles and/or MIDI files, maybe you'd hit/exceed the 2GB limit??

Audio files don't count toward the 2GB limit, they are separate from the up-to-2GB backup file that is allowed.

For me it worked great, and since Audio files are "separate", I was well under the 2GB limit.  So, I was able to quickly and easily copy everything from Genos1 to Genos2 without any problems . . .

Raleigh, NC, USA / Genos / Tyros5-61 / Lucas Nana 600 / other stuff