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Convert Styles

Started by adrianed, Aug 15, 2018, 05:31 PM

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Hi Folks,
How do we convert styles from one keyboard model to work on another I.E Convert to T2 from other Tyros models

Fred Smith

Quote from: adrianed on Aug 15, 2018, 05:31 PM
Hi Folks,
How do we convert styles from one keyboard model to work on another I.E Convert to T2 from other Tyros models

Styles will work in other keyboards.

However, many people like to reviice styles once they've been transferred. You can do this on the keyboard with Style Creator or on a PC with a program like mixmaster.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons

Joe H


Try PadMaker-Midi to re-voice your Multi Pads.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Thanks Fred,
Good to know that for sure,
Just that I have used some from a disk that I purchased from this site years ago and they sound a bit strange, possibly they were just failures from the start.


Hi Joe H,
I will try padmaker to revoice some or Style Creator on the keyboard


Neither Mixmaster or StyleMagic magic is 100% correct on re-voicing style

Style Creator is your best bet.

I posted this the other day, try one style and see how it goes,
There are some very old basic styles out there, can waste a lot of time for nothing,
Also T2 is SFF1, that can make a difference to a style.

There are 2 ways to change the volumes and voices

Method A - Global - which will change the overall volumes for all the style parts
Quick way, change the volume/voices in the Mixing Console,
Open Style Creator, go to Page 2 and SAVE the style.

Method B - changing volumes and all events in "style parts."

Others may do it differently, this is the easy way I would change a volume and voices.

Method A

1   Load your style

2   Press the 'Mixer Console' button and go to the style page, Rhy1/Rhy2/Bass/Chd1 etc

3   Change the volume of RHY2 down to 50 (E and button 2)

4   Press button C and button 2 and change the drum kit to something else and EXIT
   you can change the reverb, EQ, tuning etc here, use the TAB

5   Go to/function/ Digital Rec Menu / Style Creator.

6   TAB to page 2 'Assembly' page and click on "SAVE"

7   Click on save again and rename your style, eg. "HardRock 2"

8   Click OK and press DIRECT ACCESS and EXIT

9   Try the style, if not happy start at 1 again,



Hi Pino,
Sorry to take so long to reply, my wife has been in hospital having a knee replacement so I have been kept busy
Thankyou for the instructions to use the Style Creator, I have not worked on styles before but I will give it a go
Your instructions have been printed out for keeping
When Fred said styles will work on any keyboard I didn't think to ask about the SFF1 and SFF2 problem, I have Tyros 2 and Tyros 5 so I have always tried to keep the styles separate for the two models
Thankyou again

Gunnar Jonny

Here is some fileconverters from Yamaha that may help to convert from older models to T2 and T3.
I think I downloaded from Yamaha downloadsection for the instrumentmodels when I got the T4.
Maybe it's for some help?

[attachment deleted by admin]
Cheers & Happy Playing. 🍷 🎶🎵
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)


Thankyou Gunner Jonny,
I have downloaded the program for T2