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Playlist Editor

Started by Oldden, Aug 12, 2018, 06:07 AM

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Is there any easy way to create or modify Genos playlists on a computer instead of on the Genos.
I know it's possible to do it using a text editor, but it not too simple especially when you are getting on a bit.  Something like Murray Best's Registration Manager would be ideal. I'm not always at home with access to my keyboard, but I do have my laptop, so a simple to use program would be ideal.


Hi Oldden,

As far as I know, there is no such dedicated program for creating / editing Yamaha Genos Playlist files.  I do not expect anyone to write such program as well since Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel can already handle these files.

The Genos Playlist is a file with the Playlist name, and a file extension of .tsv.  The .tsv file is actually a text file, the format of which is equivalent to .csv (comma-separated separated) that programs like Microsoft Word or Excel can open, edit and save.  Since Genos is running a Linux OS, each line of the .tsv file does not have an extra carriage return like Windows text files and so the file looks like a big long line instead of separate lines.

So, yes, you can simply use Microsoft Word (Word can automatically converts Linux/Unix text files into Windows text format), or Microsoft Excel to open and modify an existing Genos Playlist file if you first modify the .tsv file to .csv file, make your modifications, then save it as .csv file, then exit from Word / Excel, and rename the .csv file to .tsv file.

As for the creation of a new .tsv file, you can always copy one of your existing .tsv file and rename it as .csv, open the .csv file using Microsoft Word or Excel, leave the first 2 lines untouched:

[About This Playlist]   D:/REGIST/About This Playlist.rgt       0       TEXT

Replace the following lines with your own references of Song name, Drive path of registration etc (I: means USB1):

1492: Conquest Of Paradise   I:/PlaylistForGenos/Movie&Show/1492 Conquest Of Paradise.rgt   0   OFF
1999   I:/PlaylistForGenos/RetroPop/1999.rgt   0   OFF
99 Luftballons   I:/PlaylistForGenos/RetroPop/99 Luftballons.rgt   0   OFF
A Hard Days Night   I:/PlaylistForGenos/Oldies/A Hard Days Night.rgt   0   OFF
. . .

Then save the file, exit from Word / Excel, then rename the .csv file back to .tsv file and copy it to your Genos USB drive.



Hi Paul,
I agree entirely with what you say, I was hopping that someone had done an excel spreadsheet or something similar which would make life using my laptop away from home  a bit easier, or even better some form of cut and paste function using a Windows application. It looks like Its not to be, but thank you for your reply.



It is something I'm considering for version 5.2 of YRM to go along with Music Finder on the previous keyboards.

Stay tuned early next year.

One can do without most things, but not without the pleasure of music.

Check out my Registration Manager at:


Hi Oldden...

For sorting playlist, or edit some parameters on the records, like name of the record, enable a registration, or put them OFF, or enable one of the VIEWER options, I've made a simple application that can do that very easily ... It looks like Genos playlist, to keep the same approach on both devices (PC or Keyboard), so take it from here:

Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

Best regards,


Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos


Hi: This looks like a good workround but I am having Problems. If I save the Playlist to my USB and the open the .tsv file on my laptop in text editor and then change the (Registration) to the titles I want,  I can then open again when I save back to my USB and then open via Playlist on the Genos.

However, and here is the issue. If I sort the titles in Excel and then save it can to the USB when I the try to open again on the Genos I can open the Playlist but none of the titles are showing, its just a blank Playlist. Obviously I'm doing something wrong and just can't figure this out.

Any suggestions.

Cheers David
Now have a CVP 809 as my wife plays Piano but not Keyboard - I had to PX a Genos to buy it, Also have an SX700 - I did previously own a Tyros.


Quote from: dh110953 on Nov 13, 2018, 12:54 PM
Hi: This looks like a good workround but I am having Problems. If I save the Playlist to my USB and the open the .tsv file on my laptop in text editor and then change the (Registration) to the titles I want,  I can then open again when I save back to my USB and then open via Playlist on the Genos.

However, and here is the issue. If I sort the titles in Excel and then save it can to the USB when I the try to open again on the Genos I can open the Playlist but none of the titles are showing, its just a blank Playlist. Obviously I'm doing something wrong and just can't figure this out.

Any suggestions.

Cheers David

You don't use right the sorting option in Excel. Sorting option in Excel works in this way:

Step 1:

Step 2:

That's the reason I made Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login software. It does all your work, you does not have to do nothing but load playlist file and save it. It does automatically sort your playlist when you append in application. Try it ;)

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos