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[PSR-E463] Kim Wilde, Cambodia 1981

Started by Fantomas, Aug 07, 2018, 01:56 AM

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Hi all,

By reading  Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login, I've remembered a song from Kim Wilde with also particular and unique synthesizer sounds which contribute to the succes of this song.

Here is my "performance" :
Tell me honestly what you think about it and what I can do to improve sounds or playing.
I've watched some other keyboard videos of this song in Youtube, but they are so bad IMO.

I've found notes and chords by myself by listening the original song.
No transposition, fits the original sound. There was only 1 bemol note, pretty easy.

I've recorded on the USB Key with AUDIO REC function and pasted on the video with Sony Vegas.
I've made plenty of attempts (20 or 30....) to make the full song without making a key mistake   ::)
The song shoud last more time, but I've played a short version to be sure to reach the end without making mistake  ;D

Style : 048 AgagBeat.
Tempo : 110
Style Volume : 127

This style fits great, but I would be happy to edit this style to add the bass sound rythm that I play at the beginning.
I've tuned a bit the backcking track with knobs to be a bit closer to original, but I don't know where to find the numeric values for the backing track. Anyone knows ?

Reverb : Hall 2
Chorus : 3

I've made 4 different registrations.


Main Voice : 67 Syn Bass
M.Volume  : 70
M.Octave : -2
M.Reverb : 12
M.Chorus : 12
M.Attack : 64
M.Release : 64
M.Cutoff : 64
M.Reso : 64


Main Voice : 206 Dulcimr1
M.Volume  : 70
M.Octave : 0
M.Reverb : 64
M.Chorus : 64
M.Attack : 64
M.Release : 65
M.Cutoff : 52
M.Reso : 86

Duo Voice : 206 Dulcimr1
M.Volume  : 70
M.Octave : 1
M.Reverb : 64
M.Chorus : 64
M.Attack : 64
M.Release : 65
M.Cutoff : 52
M.Reso : 86


Main Voice : 150 RSTecSaw
M.Volume  : 80
M.Octave : 0
M.Reverb : 22
M.Chorus : 0
M.Attack : 64
M.Release : 65
M.Cutoff : 52
M.Reso : 86

Duo Voice : 206 Dulcimr1
M.Volume  : 97
M.Octave : -1
M.Reverb : 30
M.Chorus : 0
M.Attack : 64
M.Release : 64
M.Cutoff : 64
M.Reso : 64


Main Voice : 92 OctChoir
M.Volume  : 127
M.Octave : 0
M.Reverb : 117
M.Chorus : 127
M.Attack : 64
M.Release : 64
M.Cutoff : 64
M.Reso : 104

Duo Voice : 92 OctChoir
M.Volume  : 127
M.Octave : -1
M.Pan : 48 (default, don't know why it was not 64)
M.Reverb : 117
M.Chorus : 127
M.Attack : 64
M.Release : 64
M.Cutoff : 64
M.Reso : 104

Thanks Yamaha for the knobs buttons, it would habe been a headache without them  8)



Hi Chris,

You did a very nice job with this song and the Agagbeat style fits very well the original song IMHO.

A few remarks:

- What you can do with the bassline is mute the bass track of the style altogether, choose a bass sound that you like and set it as Split voice, then among the 150 arpegio patterns, select one which will more or less be similar to the bassline you want and activate the arpegio function. That way, when you'll play the style with your left hand, the arpeggio bassline will replace the original bassline of the style.

- I would not use the Agabeat style Ending here because I find it doesn't suit the song well. What you can do is either use the ending of another style (if you find one which is suitable), play the ending yourself (like you did for the intro) or use no ending at all (I don't think the original song has an ending anyway).

I am impressed at the quality of the work you put here. I can't wait to listen/watch your next tracks.  8)

And: there is a special place on the Forum to post the songs played by the forum members. If you put your song there it will reach a broader audience than just on the board for the PSR E Keyboards.

Best Regards,

Past keyboards: PSR E313, PSR E413, PSR E433, PSR S550, DGX 640, upright piano.
Now: DGX 650, Casio CT-X800.


Hi Vinciane, thanks for your suggestions.

I will try arpeggios for the bass line, good idea  :)

I fact, the ending was a headache for me. I've tried many options, this one was the best for me.
But how could you use the ending of another style ? This would imply to change the style and click endind button in a very short time... not easy even with a registration key though.  ???

I've posted here because was related to PSR-E and also because I've seen the other section and apparently messages are deleted after some time and I didn't want my topic to be lost.
Sometimes, for my personal usage I come back to my old topics in forums to retrieve some informations I've forgotten.

May I duplicate this topic in the section you suggested ?


You're correct that posts in the performances subforum are cleared out after a certain length of time.


Hi Chris,

Of course you can put a second message in the Songs played by forum members section with a link to your song.

As for using an alternate ending, the best way is to put the style with the ending you want in a registration and when you want the ending, press quickly on the appropriate registration, then on the ending button. It takes some practice but when you get used to it, this can be achieved quite easily.


Past keyboards: PSR E313, PSR E413, PSR E433, PSR S550, DGX 640, upright piano.
Now: DGX 650, Casio CT-X800.