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how do I change voice in left hand

Started by ekurburski, Aug 01, 2018, 03:17 PM

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I have noticed in several posts performers saying they play many of their songs with just bass and drums.  Ho do I  change the left hand voice to bass when I switch drum style?  In effect making the unit into a combo organ with a electronic drummer.


I'm not familiar with the specific features that the PSR-3000 does or does not have, but can you set up your styles with the particular OTS voices that you want to use with each style? Or if not, could you set up Registrations, or maybe even Music Finder database entries, with the voice and style combinations you want to use?


Yes, the 3000 does have OTS.  But  was hoping that there was a way to just split the kb and have left hand voices on one side and voice 1 and 2 on the other.

Fred Smith

Quote from: ekurburski on Aug 02, 2018, 08:27 AM
Yes, the 3000 does have OTS.  But  was hoping that there was a way to just split the kb and have left hand voices on one side and voice 1 and 2 on the other.

Your keyboard has a left voice which sounds on the left side of the split point, and right voices which sound on the right side of the split point. That's why they're called left and right voices.

What's the problem?

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


yes Fred that's the problem. No, that's not the problem.   The problem is how I'm describing the problem. 

What I want to do is, play without accomplement on.  split kb with bass voice in left hand and some other voice in right hand (such as piano, guitar or organ).  then when I select another style (drum pattern) I still have bass in left hand and voice in right hand.  I would like to be able to switch to different voice in left hand or right hand without it changing the style as I'm not using accp on.

Seems like a simple task to me......but can't figure it out.  I don't think I should have to use separate registrations to do this but.....


With accomp off, choose a voice for left hand e.g bass(with left voice on)
and voice/voices for right hand.
Press play and you will hear only the drum pattern of the style.
Choose another style and you will still hear the same voices I believe with accomp off and OTS link off

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TY panos.  I think I may have figured out my problem.  Need to set split on main kb first. Maybe. Going to go and play with it some more now.


Nope not there yet.  SApent last couple of hours messing but no good.  Well, not totally true.  I did find the pedal steel guitar sounds for right hand I had been looking for!.

Anyway, when I go to function and select c for split point I come up with a screen that makes little to no sense. Instructions say to hold down one of the letters on right side and use data wheel to enter? Where do I find info in the manual on this.  I can NOT change the left hand voice!


OK Panos you circled the buttons for the parts for a reason, didn't you?  Got it to work and yes exactly like I desire.  Now what is the difference between the two rows of buttons?


The upper row is for selecting different organs for each voice.
E.g to change right1 voice from piano to guitar.

The lower row is for mute or not that voice.
If it is red you can hear the voice.
If it is off you cannot hear the voice while you are playing even if you can see the voice on your screen.
Left hold with left on is for keeping the left sound going even if you take your left hand off the keyboard.

Don't be afraid to push every button on your keyboard and see what it does.

Watch videos in youtube for other Yamaha models also.
They are similar with their buttons and functions(Tyros-PSR S)

Download the manual from here
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Panos, I guess I should explain.  I have had a 740 for years that was just sitting on the shelf.  I was involved in building a number one web site and wasn't playing at all for several years.  When I cam back to the forum I decided I needed another 740 to back up the one I had if i wanted to go back to gigging again.  Then reading the articled on playing the nursing homes I realized I really wasn't to old to do that so I really did need a back up.  Long story short, Gary Diamond  offered me one of his psr 3000's for less than folks where asking for there 740's on ebay and I bought.  That was a year ago.  Unfortuntly a lot has gone under the bridge in the last year.  Last October I fell out of bed and broke 4 ribs.  Spent a week in the hospital and 3 weeks in rehab facility.  Then in Feb during the flu epidemic I didn't miss out. Spent a week in hospital and they say I almost died.  Any way, I finally got the kb set up in the back room where I can work with it and have been spending an hour or so day on it.  Why not more? Now at age 75 I'm having severe problems with arthritis and it's mostly in my hand and fingers.  Hurts to play to long,

When I do play I push buttons that I don't quite know what they do.  I find new and amazing things on the kb every time I set down at it.  I have the manual printed out and in a loose leaf notebook next to me and I read the lessons here at the PSR tutorial site.  I have learned though that reading an explanation, and even understanding it is not the same a practicing do it.  I have also learned that I am a slow learner when it come to all of this stuff.  The one saving grace is that once I learn something I usually really have it.

So, Please stick with me. You may be sure I'm going to be asking a lot more dumb questions in the future.

And by the way, I do need to publicly thank Gary for selling me the 3000 and rekindling the spark!


Wish you well my friend and don't mind about asking anything that we can help you with.

The easist way of learning things are the "search machines" on google or on youtube.
You type some words there and you get several results that may be what you are looking for and if you are lucky and find a tutorial video sometimes it is easier to learn things than reading a manual.

We all have our personal "tempo" of learning our keyboard. ;)
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