
Started by raywil77, Jul 27, 2018, 02:44 AM

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Can anyone tell me if I copy the styles of the Genos onto a usb dongle, will they play on a tyros 4 thanks


They will play but a lot of them will not sound good. Especially those that use Revo Drums. Even if you revoice them they don't sound good.


Hello Ray,

Yes, you can use the Genos styles in a T4 keyboard and they sound really, really good. Of course you will need to spend many hours to convert the new rev Drums to work in a T4. But then again, YOU don't have to convert them, as members of this forum have already DONE that for you. ;D

Here is a link for you:
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Peter has already fixed all the drums to work in a T5 keyboard. So, all you need to do is update just a few of the other MEGA voices in the styles, very simple to do.  ;)

By the way, I too am a guitar player and singer that picked up one of these keyboards. I am totally self taught and play by ear. I use the One Finger chord mode with my left hand. I play all my own leads with my right hand. It just took a couple years of practice, practice, practice of playing in ONLY the key of C (as you can transpose the keyboard into the key you want to sing in).

I read another post of yours stating your keyboard does not play MP3 files very well. If that is the case, it is your MP3 files format that must be wrong or missed up. I can play any MP3 file in my PSR-S950 and do so on a daily basis. I use the MP3 feature of the keyboard to create my own custom song styles and to learn the leads and licks to the song by playing along with the MP3 files of actual songs that I download from YouTube videos.

I have post a few hundred recordings in my signature below. You can go through and hear what a singer using the One Finger Chord Mode on one of these great Yamaha keyboards can actually sound like with some practice.  8)



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Covers on Youtube (live playing)
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