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No 8 light on registation panel.

Started by Doghouse Riley, Aug 05, 2018, 01:58 PM

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Doghouse Riley

The number 8 light is out

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and it's stuck on  Organ, can't change the registry.

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If I press "Organ" all  get is this.

Mind you I did  a partial reset to clear the dozen registries I had, to see if it helped and it didn't. I didn't have an "Organ" registry it just appeared.

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But I've still all my recorded tunes.

Any help would be appreciated.

"I don't mind if you don't like my manners! I don't like 'em myself, they're pretty bad. I grieve over them on long winter evenings." (Philip Marlowe)


The #8 button in that bank is probably unlit because no setup data has been saved into it!

Attach the bank to a reply and we can have a look to see exactly what is in it!




Doghouse Riley

Thanks for the response.

The button is "dead"
All the other buttons show different unfamiliar styles, (I've never even heard of "ethereal movie)"
Pushing any of the other buttons show a "set up," but pressing the 8 button won't change the settings from the last button pressed.

And when I think I had a PSR 1000 for twenty years that never went wrong once!

I'll ring Rimmers Music on Monday afternoon to see if anyone technically minded is availabe to come to the phone.
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners! I don't like 'em myself, they're pretty bad. I grieve over them on long winter evenings." (Philip Marlowe)

Fred Smith

Quote from: Doghouse Riley on Aug 05, 2018, 04:24 PM
Thanks for the response.

The button is "dead"
All the other buttons show different unfamiliar styles, (I've never even heard of "ethereal movie)"
Pushing any of the other buttons show a "set up," but pressing the 8 button won't change the settings from the last button pressed.

And when I think I had a PSR 1000 for twenty years that never went wrong once!

I'll ring Rimmers Music on Monday afternoon to see if anyone technically minded is availabe to come to the phone.

People give advice because they want to help you. As you asked for the advice, why aren't you interested in solving your problem?

You should post the registration you're using so we can take a look at it for you. I expect it's working exactly as designed. If you want something different, them just memorize a new registration. You can have thousands of them on a Tyros.

The Tyros has a lot more features that the PSR, which is presumably why you upgraded. We can help you take advantage of all those features, but you need to meet us halfway. Just let us know whether you're interested in our advice, or not.

Hope this helps,
Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons

Doghouse Riley

Well that's telling me isn't it!

When did I say I wasn't interested in solving the problem?
Please don't attribute remarks to me I haven't made.

I am interested, but not in what could be a protracted exchange from people trying to help with suggestions and then me trying to follow them and the discussion possibly going back and forth.

As there seemed to be no "quick fix," I didn't want to trouble anyone any further.

Anyway, I've since  sorted it myself, but thanks anyway.

But I've still no idea from where the "organ" registration came, or why I couldn't at first get rid of it.
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners! I don't like 'em myself, they're pretty bad. I grieve over them on long winter evenings." (Philip Marlowe)


Something that might not apply to your situation, but just in case it does...disconnect all devices attached to your keyboard, reboot, maybe try the reset again.

Wishing you the best!

- Royce
DGX-305, Roland E60, S900, S910, S975, Center Point Stereo Spacestation V.3, Bose L1 Compact
PSR Performer page


When a button is unlit it is because you have not saved anything to it. It dose not seem that you have explored your keyboard very much and the style section or you would have known what the Ethereal Movie and other free play styles are about. They are excellent to use on certain songs and you should try them. You can not compare a PSR 1000 with Tyros 5. Technology has moved on a lot since then.

Doghouse Riley

Thank you Eileen, but you're a bit late with your unnecessary criticisms,  as I've already said yesterday, it's sorted.

I've thanked people for their offers of help.

Let's all move on.
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners! I don't like 'em myself, they're pretty bad. I grieve over them on long winter evenings." (Philip Marlowe)


Registrations are probably the single most powerful feature in a modern keyboard and the Yamaha system (pretty much the same since the days of the PSR1000) is the easiest of the lot to handle. But it takes a little thought and it's usually the first thing I teach people when they ask for a one to one home visit to help them with their Tyros, Genos or high end PSR keyboard.

The owner's handbook can have you confused in no time, it would seem so I've put clear, step by step instructions in sheets that are available on the Downloads page of my website. Scroll down to Instructional Information Materials for Yamaha keyboards. Follow them exactly and they are bullet-proof. They work! Registration Sequences, 'Blank Banks' and copy data files to and from USB stick are also covered on separate sheets, with more to come when the site is updated shortly.

But here's the instructions for registrations to get you started.

Yamaha Keyboards – Basic Instructions for using Registration Memories and Banks. Works from PSR1000 through to PSR-S950 and on all Tyros and CVP Clavinova models.

Manually set your required sounds and style, tempo etc, and save into Registration Memory button 1. To do this, simply press Memory and then button 1.
Do the same for as many settings as you need for the song, typically one for 1st verse, one for 1st chorus, one for 2nd verse, one for final chorus. Each goes into a separate memory button. Remember that each button can store a change of sound, change of style variation (with a fill-in if you turn on Auto Fill-in and press the variation button so it's flashing when you store the setting) or even a different style, so indulge yourself! Most of my students use four or more settings for a song, many use the whole eight (or more, but that's more complex!)
When you've got enough buttons worth, you need to SAVE them as a REGISTRATION BANK. Here's how you do it.


A - Press button J
B - Press the button under the screen for SAVE. (Tyros 5 users will have to press Menu 1 first)
C - Press and hold the DELETE button under the screen for a few seconds to erase the current bank name - the start up default is 'New Bank'.
D - Use the buttons under the screen to give the registration bank a new, sensible name - usually the name of the song. Don't bother using more than 10 upper case characters for this as any more won't show up on screen! So "Shadow of your Smile" could be just "Shadow" or "Shadosmile", or something like that.
E - Press OK
That's it!
Do the same things for a few more songs. Each bank you save will be added to the list in the Registration Bank window (button J will get you there again!) in alphabetical order.


A -Press button J
B -Press the button under the screen for SAVE – the bank name will be the one you want this time. No need to rename it unless you want to make a copy of the bank. (If so follow the instructions for new banks.)
C -Press OK
When prompted about overwriting, answer 'Yes'.


Press button J, press the button next to the name of the song you want and then press button 1 in the Registration Memory buttons. Done!
Practise doing this, just the same as you would practise playing a song. It doesn't take very long to get the hang of it. Honest!

Hope this helps. Start by pressing button J and see what's already loaded into your T5. If it's a used model from a dealer, most dealers will either 'clear the decks' (my preferred solution) and reset the keyboard, or they will try to 'help' by loading in registrations that they think will be useful. Done with the very best of intentions, of course but can backfire! If you bought privately, then all bets are off and there could be anything loaded in. Top F# reset will clear the registration memories, ready for you to start making your own.

PS for 970/975 owners. Yes, the next update will include you as well, but follow the instructions for the T5 and you'll be OK. Genos owners - I'll get around to it in due course, just holding off unless Yamaha produce a firmware update that changes things! :)
It's not what you play, it's not how you play. It's the fact that you're playing that counts.

Toril S

Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page