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Tyros5 Forum old pages

Started by henrycar, Aug 03, 2018, 12:16 PM

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Did we loose all of the old pages in this forum? I only see 4 pages. Is there a way to get to those old pages?


Yep, we sure did. Lost hundreds of songbooks and styles.


Maybe you can try search the web archive if there is some info left
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Sorry won't work because PSR database is not on web archive (offcourse)
There are only generated html pages on the archive.



Tyros 5 (finally ),Tyros 4, Korg M3 88,  Kawia MP7,Casio PX 560 Cakewalk Sonar BIAB Cubase 5
Mackie DLM8 Keyboard stereo Powered speakers and subwoofer

Fred Smith

Quote from: gary3917 on Aug 07, 2018, 03:23 PM
how can this happen

This has been discussed in several earlier threads when the problem occurred. It's unfortunate it happened, but it did, and there's no way to recover them.

For future reference, no one has promised that posts will stay around forever. It costs money to run sites like this, and if there's not enough support, then they have to cut costs or shut down.

The best way to ensure posts stay around for as long as possible is to support the site, either by buying available products, or volunteering in some way.

You get what you pay for.

Hope this helps,
Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
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