Style Loads and Lights Up Intro 3

Started by alanclare, Jun 27, 2018, 11:29 AM

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Why is it when I load a fresh style into my 970, it always lights up Intro 3, so that if I don't notice it, that's the first thing that plays?



That's just Intro 3 screaming me too, me too, me too!


Quote from: whataguy on Jun 27, 2018, 01:39 PM
That's just Intro 3 screaming me too, me too, me too!


Do you realise I'm going to be lying awake tonight, unable to sleep in our unaccustomed heatwave, trying to fathom what on Earth you're talking about?



Welcome to my world - ain't life grand? P.S. You're a lot of fun!  D.


hahaha that was cool D.
Nobody likes intro 3 ;D
Alan press the Direct Access button.
Then press the intro 3 button.
Now you are at the "style setting" tab.
There is something there called "style change behavior" and "section set"
Choose "OFF" on "section set".
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Thank you Panos. Just what I had hoped for - a logical and instructive answer to my question.

Don - good morning my friend from beautiful historic Norwich, Norfolk.



I usually stick to intro/ending 1.

If I use 2 and 3 I get a great sounding, complex intro ..... which then drops back to just me :)



Me too, me too, me too!



Hi Alan,
  You are not that far from me here in Sunny Essex.


Quote from: EileenL on Jun 28, 2018, 09:06 AM
Hi Alan,
  You are not that far from me here in Sunny Essex.


Just Suffolk in between, until tomorrow when I return home to Brum.



Quote from: panos on Jun 27, 2018, 02:59 PM
Alan press the Direct Access button.
Then press the intro 3 button.
Now you are at the "style setting" tab.
There is something there called "style change behavior" and "section set"
Choose "OFF" on "section set".

Panos. That is brilliant! To know that, you must have pressed just about every key and button on your machine to see what happens when you press or switch them in combination. I must admit that I only press the Direct Action button when someone like you tells me a way of sorting a problem or achieving an end. Laziness or shortage of time I suppose.

I needed to wait before trying out your advice as I was 160 miles away from my machine. It was the first thing I did when I got home. You have made me very happy. Thank you.



You wellcome Alan,
I just took the time to explore as much as I could on my keyboard.
I thought that if Yamaha have some function that I don't know their usage,
maybe they could be helpful to find/modify/fix/experiment several extra things to make my life easier,saving time and keep learning little by little stuff and "tricks".
I found the "Direct Access" button very useful because I don't have good memory and I don't remember well the menu tabs.
Covers on Youtube (live playing)
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