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Started by Lloyd E, Jun 26, 2018, 06:52 AM

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Lloyd E

Can you adjust each drum sound (Cymbal loudness etc.) in the Genos and if so, how do you do this?    Lloyd

Eric, B

Yes you can.
I do it all the time with 3rd party styles.
I am at work right now.
If nobody will answer by the time I'll get home I'll send you step by step description.
Genos, PSR-S970

Lloyd E

Thanks for responding. Looking forward to your instructions.    Lloyd ;D

Eric, B

Hi Lloyd,
Here it is:

- Select a style you want to edit
- Go to menu click Style Creator on page 2
- Click on Rec Channel on left hand site
- You see all the parts. There you can turn everything off but the drums.
- Click on drum set up and push the start button to hear the style.
- Now you see the corresponding parts of the drums on the keys above in orange
- Play a key on the actual KB corresponding with the orange above to hear the separate sound you want to edit.
- On the left hand site is the Volume slider. Change as desired.
- You can change drum parts by clicking on the tab below Instrument. Then use scroll wheel to hear different snares for example.
- Exit and listen to other variations to see if you need to edit more and repeat.
- Save style to desired folder.

Hope this helps.
Genos, PSR-S970

Lee Batchelor

Good description, Eric. It's important to mention that when you save the modified Style, it becomes a User Style. The original is left intact. It's probably obvious :). Thanks.
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.