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Transferring wave files to hard drive

Started by raywil77, Jun 20, 2018, 06:32 AM

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Hi guys got my hard drive today fitted and showing a tab for it which is good but can't gat my head round moving files to hd from usb stick , will they show  audio files or wave files on hard drive window thank you

Craig Schiller

Wave files ARE audio files, so it's hard to answer your question.


I assume that you have not bothered to look in the Tyros2 Owner's Manual for this information!

The section 'Hard Disk File/Folder Operations—Open/Save Display' starting on page 135 explains the process clearly.

The .wav files on the USB can't simply be 'copied & pasted' to the hard disk.  Instead they must be 'imported' using the 'Wave Import' button on the 'AUDIO' screen opened by pressing the 'HARD DISK RECORDER [SELECT]' panel button.  There are specific instructions for importing from USB starting on page 137.

This process imports the files into individual folders which are named the same as the original .wav file.   When you want to play a file from the hard disk you are only actually seeing these folders on the selection screen, although they appear as files.  You can't open the folders further on the keyboard to see their contents (you don't need to!), although if you connect the keyboard to a computer you can see their contents if you're interested.

If you need a copy of the Tyros2 Owner's manual you can download it from your local Yamaha Download web site.  Here is a link to the relevant page on the UK site...    Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

If you have specific problems with the process described in the manual, post back with them.





Thanks for that Ian I did look in the Manuel but being old didn't take it in as well as the younger brain lol, but yes I'm sorted thanks to you regards to you ray