Converting Tyros Registrations to PSR

Started by Moulden6, Jun 13, 2018, 01:49 AM

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Hi all
This is the first time I've posted. My question is:
I currently have a Tyros 5 and Clavinova CVP 509 and due to a possible country change for approximately 2 years I was thinking of purchasing a PSR S975 due to the fact that I won't have to purchase any external speakers... If any suggests another option please let me know..
I'm sure I have read somewhere that there is a program that will convert Tyros Registrations to PSR and Clavinova Registrations.
Would anyone know what this program is and if it works effective - PROS's and CONS..
Many thanks in Advance

Dick Rector

Yes it is Murray Best's RGT conversion program. Works like a dream. You can find it on the homepage under utilities i think.
PSR-2000 and PSR-S950


Thank you so much Dick. I have searched but couldn't locate it... x


Here is a link to the page from where you can download Yamaha Registration Manager...

