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PSR-S950 or PSR-S670?

Started by EB5AGV, Jun 04, 2018, 10:19 AM

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Hi all,

I am going to purchase my first PSR-S series keyboard. I am still a beginner, but want to buy something which I don't outgrow for some years (perhaps never  ;))

I have the chance to buy a new PSR-S670 for 445€ (about US$520) or a used PSR-S950 for 500€ (about US$582). The catch is that the S950 needs some work (a couple keys and buttons don't work fine, they need extra pressure to work). I am good at electronics repair (it is my daily work) and, as a sample, I fixed my SY77 some months ago (Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login), so I am confident that I can get it working fine.

So the question is if the S950 is better overall than the S670, even if they are from different generations. Of course, for sure some things should be better on the S670, being newer, but what do you think?

Thanks for helping me  :D!

Jose Gavila
Yamaha: U3H, DX7, TX81Z, DX11, SY77, TG77, SY85, A3000, AN1x, EX5, EX5R, EX7, MOTIF RACK XS, MONTAGE 6 (B & WH), MODX6+, GENOS

Plus lots other music toys :-)


950, simple. It simply outclasses the 670. Providing that you're happy to do the work, it's almost a no-brainer.
It's not what you play, it's not how you play. It's the fact that you're playing that counts.


PSR-S950 specs (Yamaha list price $2499)

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SPR-S670 (Yamaha list price $999)

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If you are sure you can easily fix the issues on the S950, the choice is simple for that difference in the price you are looking at.


If you don't want vocal harmony, and can spend a little more, consider the S770. It is very much closer to the S950 than the S670 is, and it has the benefit of using YEM for sound expansion.


If all the materials won't cost that much and you can make it sound like it should,go for the s950.
Better in everything from the s670 except some knobs the latest keyboards have for Dance music.(live controllers and arpeggiator)
I don't know if he can find an s770 near that price Dereka.
Covers on Youtube (live playing)
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Thanks for taking the time to answer my question!

The problem is that it is not easy to find here a nice looking but with some small problem unit, as is the case of the PSR-S950. For the PSR-S770, used in very good shape, I have seen prices around 700€ ($814). But for 772€ ($898) I can get a brand new PSR-S775, so that will be also a no-brainer.

So the question now is:

*PSR-S950 with some small (I hope) glitches at 500€ ($582)
*PSR-S775 new at 772€ ($898)

Considering I am completely new to PSR keyboards, I still think the PSR-S950 project is not a bad candidate. All in all, if I fix it, I could sell it later for some more cash and get the funds for a PSR-S775  ;)


Jose Gavila
Yamaha: U3H, DX7, TX81Z, DX11, SY77, TG77, SY85, A3000, AN1x, EX5, EX5R, EX7, MOTIF RACK XS, MONTAGE 6 (B & WH), MODX6+, GENOS

Plus lots other music toys :-)


Between s950 and s775, I'd go to s775. Reason: Newer model, more memory



Quote from: ticktock on Jun 05, 2018, 04:46 AM
Between s950 and s775, I'd go to s775. Reason: Newer model, more memory


Thanks for your message.

Of course, if price was not a factor to consider nor the use I could give to it... Remember this will be my first PSR keyboard and I am still learning to play. So perhaps is kinda buying a Ferrari as soon as you get your driver license. Would it be a waste of money?. I guess so  ;)


Jose Gavila
Yamaha: U3H, DX7, TX81Z, DX11, SY77, TG77, SY85, A3000, AN1x, EX5, EX5R, EX7, MOTIF RACK XS, MONTAGE 6 (B & WH), MODX6+, GENOS

Plus lots other music toys :-)


$520 US for a new PSR-S670 sounds like a great deal.  I normally see them for about $800.  I personally like the idea of the knob controls.  And not just for live performance -- though they do make a great way to adjust the sound during a performance.  I have a PSR-E433, and I love using those knobs for the creation and customization of sounds that I then store in registrations.  It just makes it easier and more natural to adjust and customize these sounds, instead of having to dive into menus and hunt and peck for parameters (though that is still required for fine detailed tweaking of the sounds).

Of course, the S950 will have the vocal harmony, which isn't on the S670 or S770/775, so that is also a consideration.  It just comes down to what is more important to you.  An S970/975 would have it "all", but at a considerable cost.
Current: Yamaha PSR-E433 (x2), Roland GAIA SH-01, Casio CDP-200R, Casio MT-68 (wired to bass pedals)
Past: Yamaha PSR-520, PSR-510, PSR-500, DX-7, D-80 home organ, and a few Casios


Quote from: EB5AGV on Jun 05, 2018, 10:10 AM
Remember this will be my first PSR keyboard and I am still learning to play. So perhaps is kinda buying a Ferrari as soon as you get your driver license.

I would say that there's not much difference in the way you operate any of the S-series or Tyros. The feature sets differ a little, but they all use the same basic architecture and operating system. If you can work one of them, you can work any of them. At the most basic, pick a style, pick a voice, make sure ACMP is lit, press sync start and begin playing. You can explore the deeper features as you feel confident.

Personally I find being able to load expansion voices via YEM to be a 'killer' feature that would push you towards models more recent than the S950, but you need to compare the feature sets and see what appeals most to you.



Quote from: DerekA on Jun 05, 2018, 03:14 PM
I would say that there's not much difference in the way you operate any of the S-series or Tyros. The feature sets differ a little, but they all use the same basic architecture and operating system. If you can work one of them, you can work any of them. At the most basic, pick a style, pick a voice, make sure ACMP is lit, press sync start and begin playing. You can explore the deeper features as you feel confident.

Personally I find being able to load expansion voices via YEM to be a 'killer' feature that would push you towards models more recent than the S950, but you need to compare the feature sets and see what appeals most to you.

Those are all valid points, thanks!

My approach could be buy the ailing PSR-S950, fix it, learn how to use it, enjoy it and then, when (if) I need more features, as using YEM, sell it and fund with the sale part of a newer unit.

It sounds fine to me  ;)


Jose Gavila
Yamaha: U3H, DX7, TX81Z, DX11, SY77, TG77, SY85, A3000, AN1x, EX5, EX5R, EX7, MOTIF RACK XS, MONTAGE 6 (B & WH), MODX6+, GENOS

Plus lots other music toys :-)


I would suggest to go with a brand new one,
As it's new and you'll also get the warranty,
Any major damage to the keyboard will cost a lot.
On Specs
950 is still better in a few ways
But compared to the 770
I would suggest that you can get the 770.
Norman Fernandez Keyboardplayer

PSR S770 - Roland FP 30 - PSR 280
Cubase - Kontakt6


Well, I think I am about to close this thread  :o ... The seller of the PSR-S950, after a couple days telling me that he was going to send me a video showing the problems it has, now tells me that he won't ship the unit! (I am at about 500km from him, so picking it-up was never considered)

So I am about to do something I hope won't regret: I am going to buy a sparkling, brand new PSR-S775  ;D

Why?. Well, I was close to get a PSR-S950, so going back to my initial idea of a PSR-S670 is not so attractive now. I hope you understand my feelings  ;)

Then, looking for a newer used unit (PSR-S770, PSR-S970) is not easy, and they are still expensive. As I can get the PSR-S775 brand new for 772€, which is only 272€ more than the used PSR-S950, and I hope it will fill my needs for several years, the difference/year is mostly non-significant (now try to explain this to my wife  ::) )

All in all, I think I am done with my search!

Thanks for your help.

Jose Gavila
Yamaha: U3H, DX7, TX81Z, DX11, SY77, TG77, SY85, A3000, AN1x, EX5, EX5R, EX7, MOTIF RACK XS, MONTAGE 6 (B & WH), MODX6+, GENOS

Plus lots other music toys :-)


It's a great choice.

Have fun and make sure you buy a nice surprise gift for your wife just before it arrives.


Quote from: DerekA on Jun 06, 2018, 02:20 PM
It's a great choice.

Have fun and make sure you buy a nice surprise gift for your wife just before it arrives.

Good idea  ;D!

Jose Gavila
Yamaha: U3H, DX7, TX81Z, DX11, SY77, TG77, SY85, A3000, AN1x, EX5, EX5R, EX7, MOTIF RACK XS, MONTAGE 6 (B & WH), MODX6+, GENOS

Plus lots other music toys :-)

Toril S

Good choice!
I wish you luck with your new keyboard!
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Quote from: Toril S on Jul 11, 2018, 01:09 PM
Good choice!
I wish you luck with your new keyboard!

Sorry, I did not update this thread. I finally bought a Genos... and I am really happy I did !!!


Jose Gavila
Yamaha: U3H, DX7, TX81Z, DX11, SY77, TG77, SY85, A3000, AN1x, EX5, EX5R, EX7, MOTIF RACK XS, MONTAGE 6 (B & WH), MODX6+, GENOS

Plus lots other music toys :-)

Toril S

THAT was an even better choice!!Glad you are happy with it!
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page