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Cubase Patchname Converter(2.0)

Started by Heiko, Mar 30, 2018, 11:19 AM

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my Tool PanameConverter  converts Cakewalk/Sonar Instrumentdefinitions to Cubase Patchname Scripts and now conversely Patchname Scripts to Instrumentdefinitions too.

Download: Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login - Downloads - Cubase Patchname Scripts

Joe H


Why are we getting the malicious software message when we click on the link?

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


My site is OK. I had the same problem in germany and exchanged my setup.exe files to Microsoft Installer file (.msi). After this no problem any more with all browsers.
There were no problems with IEE and Opera before, but only with Firefox and Google Chrome.


A lot of anti-virus and anti-malware software assumes that any link ending in EXE is malicious, since it's an executable file. I don't think they even look inside the file itself to see if there's any code that resembles known virus code, since new viruses are being created all the time, so they deem it better to just flag the link. And if you go ahead and download the file anyway, the operating system may flag the file as suspicious and prevent you from running it, unless you right-click on the file and clear the flag.


Hello SeaGtGruff,
Thanks for your good tip.
I have looked at my Website and found the link to the last of my programs, the zipped exe file of my software PSRREG, that I have forgotten to build a msi installation. Now I have updated my  website with a zipped msi file. I hope it will work in future.
Best regards


the problem ist solved. No difficulties with my website now.
Thanks für your help.


Heiko, thank you for your programs! :)

JohnS (Ugawoga)

I am finding the Ins file  for Genos works perfectly now in Cubase and Sonar Bandlab Platinum flawlessly.
In Piano roll 100%.

All the best

Tyros 5 to Genos is a massive leap. :)  "Go for that Genos ,it is a monster"!!!
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.



Your HP_midifile library is phenomenal. The documentation is comprehensive as well. Thanks for it. My only problem is I am no good with C++.

I have worked in IT for more than half my life. I started off many, many years ago with COBOL then when PC's became a thing I moved to VB, then Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login and in the last 10 years or so, it has been C#.  I have moved from Windows Forms to WPF and only recently started to learn HTML and CSS. I am retired now and writing software is a hobby not a job these days. The learning is more fun than the application.

There really is no software in C# out there to create XG/XF apps for the many Yamaha arrangers that all use those formats. So I want to convert your HP_Midifile libray to C# and I work on that a bit and a midifile maker app for Yamaha keyboards, which uses your library with DLL imports right now. I hope to have both projects done in the next few months.

Once again thanks for your work. One app that is around is the excellent Producer, originally developed by Michael Bedesem and now maintained by Peter Wierzba. That was also created with your library.

The lack of decent tools has inspired me to write my own.



Would someone kind enough to show me how to load the Genos Script into Cubase? Will this program do it? thank you all kindly!!


Hi Richard,
very late I have found your comments about my HP MIDIFILE library in the Patcname Converter thread.
Thanks for your compliments.

It is a hard job, to convert the DLL to C#. Good luck.
If you have any problems, send me a mail using contact of my website.

Have you looked intensively at the documentation?
Under Interfaces there is a description "How to use the library HP MIDIFILE with C# programs from Jørgen Sørensen"
Best regards