How much free area on my Expansion Memory?

Started by ton37, Jun 01, 2018, 12:39 PM

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Hi, with the Function Menu>>Media>>Property I can see the HD1 drive and its (free) size.
I'm looking were can I find the (free) area of the Internal Expansion Kit? (I'v one installed with 1GB)?

The reason is that I'm experimenting with YEM and Voices (.ppf). It seems that loading 8 ppf-voices my Exp.Memory is almost full?? So I whish to look which 'packs' seems to be large (or the voices?)

It is still a pity that this forum have lost so much posts, so the search function is limited to a few months.

Thanks in advance, Ton
My best regards,


Your best bet is to do this in YEM itself.

As you select / remove packs - or even individual voices - YEM shows you how much wave memory the total current selection would take up.

[Re search - try a Google search, it will often find a cached version of old posts.]



Hi Ton,
  I fitted a 2Gb Memory one to mine and was able to load lots of packs. Yamaha packs are compressed to take less space. Do you have the latest 2.5.2 version of YEM loaded.


Thanks DerekA and Eleen for your Help. I have overlooked indeed the Green line in YEM showing the size of the files. Greetings Ton
My best regards,