Looking for some VST Style player/Arp

Started by Xenon80, May 31, 2018, 02:59 AM

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Hi guys,

Seems the forum got updated!
(I needed to re-register.)

Anyway, I'm using the DAW Studio One 3 (Windows 7 Pro 64 Bit) and I'm looking for some VST plugin
which can be used as a style player.
Similar to my Yamaha PSR-E443, I would like to use the left hand for the harmony
and the right hand for playing melodies.

The song in the DAW has several tracks (with different VST instruments).
Each track should have a unique arp type.

The only VST plugin I've been able to find yet is BlueARP.
It makes a good first impression, but I'm having problems getting it work correctly.

Probably you know some other tools?
Basically, it's only about Arpeggiators.
I mean a style (in a keyboard) is - in my opinion - a collection of different Arpeggios
whose key can be transposed by the harmony.
(Not meant negatively.)

But with Studio One's default Arp I haven't had any success.
They all get problems when it comes to Chord arpeggios.
Single tone Arpeggios like Bass Arpeggios is like taking candy from a baby. :p

Thanks for any help!
