I notice one thing in common with previous T5 owners that now have Genos

Started by manuel, May 30, 2018, 10:15 PM

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Hello friends

I notice one thing from some members that now have the Genos that upgraded from the T5 or T4 or even a PSR S, and I know this because a friend of mine also had a T5 and now the Genos.....the error is, that is my educated guess, is that they just transfer the registrations WITHOUT making any adjustments like changing in a registration to some of the new sounds, or re-adjusting some volumes on the style parts, remember that now we have Revo Drums, and what we had in the T5 as Audio styles that now in the Genos have been re-touched with the Revo Drums, and also new string sections, DSPs, etc.... so, that makes big differences.

I have assisted to my friend and after months, finally is getting it.....slowly, but surely. I know he is not the only one for what I perceive on some of the topics.

Just my 2 cents... 

My 2 Cents


Lee Batchelor

Fully agreed, Manuel.

All registrations must be checked one by one after they are copied in from the T5 or other keyboards. Anyone who thinks the Genos (former T5) registrations are perfect, is living in a dream world. Yes, they may basically work, but a lot of them drag along the legacy voices and effects. I love getting a new keyboard but dread the hours of adjustments that are required.
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.

Fred Smith

Agreed, Manuel.

The great thing is they work "out of the box". This is a great improvement over previous upgrades where you had to recreate the registrations from scratch.

However, as with every Tyros upgrade, you need to tweak them to get the most out of the keyboard. It's work, but at least you can do it at your leisure.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Yes Manuel you are right but altering your favorite registrations to Genos is all part of the fun. Mixing the old with the new can produce great results.


Yeah, so where does a dummy going to a G from a T5 learn how to make these adjustments? Small words only allowed. Being in the middle 80's ain't got time to learn how to, want to use the time left to experience the joy of doing . . . Just saying! Don in MI


One thing I should mention, is not just the sounds/Voices of the Right Hand, also, re-touch perhaps some of the Style Voices from previous to newer ones on the Genos, and also the Volumes on EACH part of the style....that is, if you are as picky as me.
Ahhh....dont forget to save the registrations, and IF you change a lot the style, then I would consider saving it also in the User area.

My 2 Cents

My 2 Cents



Hi - interesting thread - yes, I'm going in to EVERY registration that I have transferred over to Genos, and selecting either new sounds, or re-selecting the same sound (to get the newer Genes settings for that sound).  I'm re-selecting Style too, so that I get the Genos-defined settings for the style - then I modify as I want (such as turning off some Parts, adjusting a few Volumes, etc.)  - then Saving that registration memory, then after I have done a bank, Saving that bank.

It takes a lot of time, but seems to ensure that things work OK, and that you get the new/best settings etc.

Raleigh, NC, USA / Genos / Tyros5-61 / Lucas Nana 600 / other stuff


Quote from: whataguy on May 31, 2018, 06:19 PM
Yeah, so where does a dummy going to a G from a T5 learn how to make these adjustments? Small words only allowed. Being in the middle 80's ain't got time to learn how to, want to use the time left to experience the joy of doing . . . Just saying! Don in MI

Gonna reach 70 in a few months, Yes, I am starting to find, I don't want to have to learn a lot of new things, I'm  afraid some of the old valuable 'data' in my brain will get pushed out, to make room for the new data.  However, I just take my time to learn something new.. There is still that great feeling of accomplishment.. Even an old dog can learn new tricks.

I recently made the leap from a flip phone to an Android phone.  At first I refused to deal with it, but slowly learnt some of the processes I need.. Now I an text, which I don't particularly like, but seems any person under 40 will insist on texting. 

Just keep asking questions here.  Everyone here is very decent.  And someone with an explanation will come forward. (but I hear you loud and clear)


By Doing the "adjustments" I suggest, is actually making YOUR instrument unique, like a custom made suit/dress.....to suit YOUT taste, needs, etc....
The more you do it, it becomes easier to do, we all learn a language through repetition, like very much everything we do, walk, read, write, etc...

This also gives you the satisfaction when you play your instrument.....I "adopt" certain things from somebodies registrations, styles, voilces, etc, and just "fine Tunned" to my complete taste/needs.


Again, My 2 cents


My 2 Cents



I revoiced all my songstyles and premium styles from yamaha , have now made about 800 custom made registrations ( with txt song midi /Mp3( Cdg)
in the beginning of the transfer a lot of registrations from my T5 didnt work on the Genos , and it was a big dissapointment ., but now i made them al new from scratch
and they sound all great  :-)

Soryt  :)
Genos & YC61 and Tannoy Gold 5 Monitors
My You Tube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmC6hdAR1v5lYN8twfn0YbA?view_as=subscriber


HOW?? I have 10+ USBs from my T5 and while they seem to load on the Genos when I try to access them, poof, they disappear. There's 6 years of DLs plus a  lot of custom stuff on them. Is there a 1-2-3 step method to making this work? Don in MI


Are you talking about downloaded styles? If this is the case, you can only see them in the styles category. Same goes for midi files, which can only be seen or accessed from the song category.

Gary 8)
Love Those Yammies...


Depends what you are looking for.
If Registrations then press the top left hand side of the screen at the top which says Regist .Then go to your USB stick and you will see them. Same with Styles and Multi pads. Press screen and go to USB. If you are looking for Midi files then press Song B in the middle of the screen. If Audio Press A and then go to your USB.


Oh Gary thank you so much. Ironically as your message came in I was reading a similar post from Tyrosauris regarding this issue. How simple an answer, kinda like if you are gonna jump out of a plane, take a parachute. Thanks again to both of you. You know we dummies out number you whiz kids by a whole bunch. One thing that seems to run rampart among you techie guys is you fail to acknowledge that we aren't all as computer savvy. Much like years ago in my area we had many really good organ players (mostly playing B3s) performing big production numbers, blowing everyone away with their flashiness and they would send people over to where I was playing with my Lowrey organ with AOC and boom chickie chickie so they could dance to a good strong,  simple beat. We dummies need simple 'cause we know it ain't all that easy. Thanks for pointing out the simple,  I don't think I would have thought of that in a hunnert years. Maybe a dummy section in this forum for my type is needed. The longer I own my Genos the closer I'm getting to reading the manual.  Don in MI


Hi Don,
  That is what forums are all about. Helping where ever we can so please keep on asking the questions. We all had to start somewhere.


Thank you for being there for the rest of us. We're really not too lazy, it's just that Db9th with an augmented 13th comes a lot easier than some of the Genos stuff. Maybe reading the manual would help. Ya think . . . Don in MI

Kaarlo von Freymann

Quote from: soryt on Jun 04, 2018, 02:36 PM
I revoiced all my songstyles and premium styles from yamaha , have now made about 800 custom made registrations ( with txt song midi /Mp3( Cdg)
in the beginning of the transfer a lot of registrations from my T5 didnt work on the Genos , and it was a big dissapointment ., but now i made them all new from scratch
and they sound all great

Soryt  :)

Hi Soryt,
Many here are congratulated for various things, and sometimes I wonder why, but this is an achievement that makes me take off my hat and bow deeply. I wish I had your stamina.

