change sheet music or midi in to ezplay music with letters on the notes

Started by mrkim, May 29, 2018, 05:10 PM

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looking for software to change sheet music or midi in to ezplay music with letters on the notes like a b c  I have  midi sheet music software but it gives diffrent notes than what is on the midi any other soft ware i could try thanks kim

Roger Brenizer

You can accomplish this using MuseScore, Kim.  You'll need to install the "Add Named Noteheads" plugin to be able to do this.  :)

The link for this free software follows:

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Here's a link to an article I wrote about the MuseScore Music Notation program:

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As Roger said, Musescore will do this nicely. I'd suggest the following procedure.

1) import the MIDI file into Musescore. Depending on the MIDI file, you'll probably have some tidying up to do, correcting note lengths, taking out unwanted rests etc. The more 'realistic' and less robotic the MIDI file is, the more there will be to tidy up.
2) run the 'Add Named Noteheads' plug-in
3) As the results will probably be unreadable (too small), you'll have to increase the music font size
4) increasing the size will ruin the layout, so you'll need to reformat this so you get a readable copy

I don't use Musescore that much as I have the full version of Sibelius, but you might well find that Musescore has the ability to store a 'template' or a 'house style', based on steps 2,3 and 4 above. If that's so, you may be able to do the initial tidying up and then apply the template which will automate much of the work. Sibelius can do this with ease but there again it's a high end programme, not a freebie. That's not to criticise Musescore, as it does far, far more than the 'free' version of Sibelius.

Maybe Roger will be able to advise you if Musescore has such a feature.
It's not what you play, it's not how you play. It's the fact that you're playing that counts.


Where do you find the Add Named Noteheads" plugin  thanks for all the replies kim


Hi Kim

You could try music notation but you need to purchase this
One but will work.   Jim

Roger Brenizer

Here's the link to all of the MuseScore plugins, Kim.  :)

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The plugin you want to install is named "Add Note-Name Noteheads"; however, once installed within MuseScore the plugin name will be found under the Plugin pull down menu and listed as Notes..."Add Named Noteheads".
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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