Frustration in making a song........but I keep trying !!

Started by rattley, May 27, 2018, 06:22 AM

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I found an onboard style on Genos that just screams "I fought the Law".  Everytime I tried to record it I kept forgetting the real melody and just played something close. I tried for over an hour only getting more frustrated each time.  I know this song!!  I have played it before................

Has anyone else had any similar frustration??

What's even more frustrating??   I recorded the posted recording without any fingering mistakes live !!  No real complaints. I had a blast !!!  -charley

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Charlie, this happens to me all the time, but I usually get it right after a couple tries - the mind has a  tendency to do strange things as we age. Too much stuff on our hard drive. ;)

All the best,

Gary :cool:
Love Those Yammies...

Toril S

Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


True that!  :)

I always get messed up with the parts linking the verses and chorus on that tune. Close enough for rock'n'roll!  8)

Have fun -- pj


I think we've all been through that at times. You have the song in your head and then loose it in the actual playing.
Try and try again if you have the sheet music and chords and it then becomes clear eventually. I cant tell you how many times I tried and failed and then walked away and retried and eventually got it better.People sometimes don't realize when the hear the postings what happened and the time spent to get it like that.
Not all good at times but then you get a few really good ones.

Craig "Keyboardist"
Arranger Workstations
My Performer Page


Charlie, that also happens to me every time I try recording a song!   :(  (I call it "the red light" syndrome! )

Good luck, Gloria
"Music is the Universal Language"
PSR Performer Page


Hi Charley. I feel your pain. I play 90% by ear, and without structure it's easy to get sidetracked.  In fact if I think of a new song to add to my playlist, I might even play it in the wrong key until I check it for certain.  Without using notation, the best way I've found to play covers more faithfully is to feed both the Genos and my iPhone/mp3 player through the same headphones, and play along simultaneously, repeatedly, until I get it right by rote memorization. It may not be the best way but it works for me for times when an accurate cover is important. Other times, I am happy to play the cover loosely, include the chorus and main hooks and improvise my own additions as the mood suits me.  If I end up liking the loose cover with my improvs, I just introduce it as my "freestyle" version of the song. Oftentimes, my own stylized version of the cover gets a lot of positive attention and interest, like my own version of "House of the Rising Sun" and "Extraterrestrial Mood Music" (the latter based on John Williams' 5 note theme in "Close Encounters of the Third Kind."  Sometimes it's good to just let loose and let the cosmos direct your musical intuition, especially if you get personal enjoyment out of it. Good luck. Hal


I haven't given up yet.  I finally got the melody line down.  Now to work on the rest.............still having fun!!  -charley

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Charlie, when it's no longer fun, that's when you stop doing whatever you are doing.

All the best,

Gary 8)
Love Those Yammies...


Play this song at 1.25 speed I think both rely at the same pattern as the song you have played.
"Add" the melody that comes to your mind after the end to each phrase of the lyrics.

As they do many many songs we are hear, they are using similar recognisable melodies.
So how not to be confused and play someting similar if we don't have the sheet music to guide in front of us?
I am still struggling (unsuccesfully) to read sheet music after 15 years of playing the keyboard  ;D
Covers on Youtube (live playing)
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JohnS (Ugawoga)

I have composed one song  and that was when i recorded It on a Technics KN 2000.
It an be frustrating when you know where you want to go ,but nothing seems to work In your brain.
Sometimes it can just flow ,and other and most times fits and starts. ;D. A lot of composers get a song and re-arrange the chords and write around It again, especially chart hits.
Nowadays I pick up a piece of music and get Interested in that, but I have just got to get down and do some more sometime.
Nothing happens on sunny day In the UK as you have to make the most of the weather.
Time for a beer and chill in the garden :).!!

All the Best
john 8)
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.

Toril S

Sunny here too. Keyboard is resting while I collect hours in the sun😀
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


practise, practise, practise..  Yes, it is hard.. It's good for the brain, co-ordination..  A very long time ago, when I was having trouble playing something. I just stopped and 'talked' to my brain for a few minutes, telling it, I would be patient. But we were NOT going to quit until I got it right.. Repeating the procedure of playing the song, lets 'muscle memory' kick in.. That is, your fingers start to remember where to go, without your brain having to re-calculate, and send control data to your hands.

I was watching the little boy (from India I believe) who won the national spelling bee.  He would spell out these incredibly complex words by 'fake writing' them on his wrist as he went along.. He was using muscle memory to spell. 

Honestly I usually don't play my Genos in 'real time'.. I record into Logic Pro..  I might be able to play the song, but just can't keep track of all the button pushing in between.  My hat goes off to you folks, who do it in real time..

Certainly playing an arranger kbd, is a totally different beast than playing a piano..