Name Just One Or Two Things That Made You Buy A Genos

Started by Pianoman, May 01, 2018, 04:06 PM

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Kaarlo von Freymann

Quote from: guitpic1 on May 27, 2018, 05:24 PM
Re: Korg vs Yamaha(or even Ketron) thing. 

.........Buy a Korg, Yammie, Ketron or whatever.  Gig with it or play it for fun.  At some point you will discover what's right for you.


One cannot argue with that statement, but I in may naivety thought this site was supposed to help us avoid  (costly) mistakes. I must have been wrong. :(





It is only us that can determine if we have made a costly mistake. That is why I always advise to try things out before you buy. It is only us ourselves that know what we are looking for and what we feel comfortable with and will be able to manage.

Roger Brenizer

Quote from: Kaarlo von Freymann on May 27, 2018, 11:03 PM
One cannot argue with that statement, but I in may naivety thought this site was supposed to help us avoid  (costly) mistakes. I must have been wrong. :(



The purpose of this forum is as follows, Kaarlo.

This forum is devoted to music news and issues relating to Yamaha Arranger keyboards (Genos/Tyros, PSR-S/PSR-E/PSR). It is intended for owners (or potential owners) of these keyboard and is dedicated to helping owners understand how their keyboards work and how to get the most out of their Yamaha keyboards. Information or questions relating to other keyboards are permitted if they are of reasonable interest to this forum's members, are done in moderation and do not either heavily promote other brands or infer that Yamaha keyboards are a poor choice.

That statement is a part of the following link, which was updated by Joe Waters on October 28, 2017:

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"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

Got questions about the PSR Tutorial Forum? Contact Us

Al Ram

Quote from: Roger Brenizer on May 28, 2018, 12:16 AM

This forum is devoted to music news and issues relating to Yamaha Arranger keyboards (Genos/Tyros, PSR-S/PSR-E/PSR). It is intended for owners (or potential owners) of these keyboard and is dedicated to helping owners understand how their keyboards work and how to get the most out of their Yamaha keyboards. Information or questions relating to other keyboards are permitted if they are of reasonable interest to this forum's members, are done in moderation and do not either heavily promote other brands or infer that Yamaha keyboards are a poor choice.

voilá !

San Diego/Tijuana


One of the biggest improvements for me moving from the Tyros 5 is the time that takes to install all my packs on the internal memory. I remember that on the Tyros it took me a very long time to get my 2gb stuff installed: I'd just leave the house and return cause it just took so long! but now on the Genos it's WAY faster and that is a major plus for me.

JohnS (Ugawoga)

The biggest thing is that you have to go forward.
You only have one life as far as I can see :)
The Genos is far better than the Tyros, but you have to keep up with the tech.
It also keeps the brain alive   ::)]
Explore the voice editing and you will be surprised like I was.
You do not need voice packs for piano as a little tweaking In the voice edit is second to none. Extra voice packs are probably tweaked factory sounds anyway.
The Genos effect section is a must to study and can make big differences.
You have to learn what each part does and if you mess It up ,don't save it .Start again and experiment, google things that you do not understand. I am still bashing my head against the wall learning. It Is not easy getting the sounds you want when imagining the sound .
Even cars now are all electronic.
I suppose the next thing will be an  Deluxe electric chair!!! :-[ :o ;D "make your hair or what's left of It stand up"!!!! :P :'(

The Genos is a no brainer  :-X
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.

Audrey Turner

Hello Eileen, Yes it has been too long, mainly due to not being able to use the Internet on a regular basis.  I am one of the many who cannot access or send out emails through the BT system.  However I am about to change my Server. I've been told it'll probably take 10 days and when the job's done, I'd like to join your website again if you'll agree.  Thank you, and all our other friends on this site for the constant help given.

Audrey T





Hello Everyone.

Just an update.

Though I'm playing 26 gigs per month, I took some time to go play the Genos
again when I was in town and near the music store this last Friday.

There were a couple of new styles that I hadn't heard before that were nice.

But I think that if I ever were to buy this keyboard, it would take a lot of weeks
of work, sweat and tears to make it sound as good as my Tyros.

I also found that the screen often required a couple of taps before anything opened.

Since I have very little time now, I try to listen to at least half a style bank for every
visit that I make to the dealer.

I have hardly dug into the voices yet, as I'm mostly interested in the styles.
But I'm going to visit the store again on Thursday the 21st.

I've got to run now, gigging in 55 minutes.

Best Regards.
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Eric, B

Hi Abby,
Great to hear from you.
Have you had a chance to audition the PA4X as well?
All the best
Genos, PSR-S970


You need to calibrate the screen for your own use. We all have different ways of touching screens ie. side of finger or full on or at an angle. Once you calibrate for your use it will work all the time with no problems. Genos is a very clever keyboard in many ways.


Quote from: Eric, B on Jun 17, 2018, 11:49 PM
Hi Abby,
Great to hear from you.
Have you had a chance to audition the PA4X as well?
All the best

Hello Eric.

Unfortunately the Pa4X is harder to find than Bigfoot.
Even on the second hand market.
A lot of T5s are being sold though.

Best Regards.
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Quote from: jgriffin on May 02, 2018, 04:12 AM
NUMERO UNO:  I went really crazy last fall and bought a new red Mustang and needed a new keyboard to put in it.  (yes it will fit with the back seats down)
NUMERO DOS: Because I did not buy a boat.

P.S.  Seriously....I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't bar-hop, I don't fish, I don't hunt, I don't buy expensive shoes or clothes, I don't play golf and I don' get the picture.  The great vehicle is for my daily commute to work and the great keyboards are for my only real passion: MUSIC.

What engine in Mustang?  mpg a concern?
I use T4 as a drum machine. Playing my own acmp and bass. MIDI songs are my latest interest. If anyone wishes to share knowledge on MIDI songs let me know.


Quote from: Pianoman on Jun 18, 2018, 02:29 AM

Hello Eric.

Unfortunately the Pa4X is harder to find than Bigfoot.
Even on the second hand market.
A lot of T5s are being sold though.

Best Regards.

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For me, the goal is to keep growing/learning.


Abby, sorry I have not been able to keep in touch as much as I should, but I have been spending as much time as possible on my boat, mainly fixing things and a couple weeks sailing with all my medical equipment.

I am happy to read that you are booked solid and staying busy, though a person with as much talent as you I would anticipate this would be the norm. I hope your health problems are in the past and that you are able to perform on stage pain free, or at least with as little pain as possible.

Keep in touch, old friend,

Gary 8)
Love Those Yammies...

Joe H

Quote from: jgriffin on May 02, 2018, 04:12 AM
NUMERO UNO:  I went really crazy last fall and bought a new red Mustang and needed a new keyboard to put in it.  (yes it will fit with the back seats down)
NUMERO DOS: Because I did not buy a boat.

P.S.  Seriously....I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't bar-hop, I don't fish, I don't hunt, I don't buy expensive shoes or clothes, I don't play golf and I don' get the picture.  The great vehicle is for my daily commute to work and the great keyboards are for my only real passion: MUSIC.

Don't do any of that stuff either... but don't have much as well.  I love my PSR S970... it gives me much JOY to just sit and tinker with it.

:)    :)    :)    8)    8)    8)

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Quote from: travlin-easy on Jun 18, 2018, 06:51 AM
Abby, sorry I have not been able to keep in touch as much as I should, but I have been spending as much time as possible on my boat, mainly fixing things and a couple weeks sailing with all my medical equipment.

I am happy to read that you are booked solid and staying busy, though a person with as much talent as you I would anticipate this would be the norm. I hope your health problems are in the past and that you are able to perform on stage pain free, or at least with as little pain as possible.

Keep in touch, old friend,

Gary 8)

Hello Gary.

Yes, the gigs are keeping me really busy right now. The swelling of the fingers and pain
has almost disappeared,

I cover a lot of distances and shift a lot of gear at the moment, plus the hours of the
actual gigging itself.

I called up an old friend here to see if he has time to come down and record some
new videos of my gigs.

He's in the Canary Islands for the next couple of weeks, but will come and record me
once he's back.

I understand that you've been to the Canary Islands. You've been everywhere Gary.

I assumed that you would be out sailing, especially with the great summer weather.
I hope your that you're enjoying yourself and your health is holding well.

Best Regards.
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Abby, glad to hear you are doing well, and I'm looking forward to seeing some new and exciting videos of your performances.

All the best,

Gary 8)
Love Those Yammies...

Eric, B

Quote from: Pianoman on Jun 19, 2018, 05:40 AM

Hello Gary.

Yes, the gigs are keeping me really busy right now. The swelling of the fingers and pain
has almost disappeared,

I cover a lot of distances and shift a lot of gear at the moment, plus the hours of the
actual gigging itself.

I called up an old friend here to see if he has time to come down and record some
new videos of my gigs.

He's in the Canary Islands for the next couple of weeks, but will come and record me
once he's back.

I understand that you've been to the Canary Islands. You've been everywhere Gary.

I assumed that you would be out sailing, especially with the great summer weather.
I hope your that you're enjoying yourself and your health is holding well.

Best Regards.

Hi Abby,
Small world.
We were in the Canary Islands  last year. Forte Ventura.
Funny thing : I live in Ventura. ... ;)
Have fun with your gigs.
All the best
Genos, PSR-S970


Quote from: Oymmot on May 04, 2018, 08:42 PM
Why, I did not understand better. The best I think would have been that I had saved a lot of money if I did not buy Genos.
It's just as good with my T5 as it does with my Genos.
Now Genos is bought and T5 sold so now there is no return.
The audience does not experience any lift when they want music and there are so small differences between Tyros5 and Genos.
Sorry but that's the reality.

While I respect your opinion, its clearly in the minority when you look at other opinions of other people and users.  As with computer syths, sounds and many other things, the user is primary reason for the pluses and minuses associated with quality.  The Genos itself has been used in blind tests against other keyboards and has been picked out as the most favorable in blind sound tests of hardware keyboards.  Sound on Sound, Korg, Roland and East West are all companies I know who have done these tests.  The Genos continues to score the highest when sampling sound quality.  My cousin was actually part of a focus group which compared several piano, electric piano, strings and brass samples.  He was told he was comparing them for which sounded the best or favorable to him based upon the sounds.  He said the played the same song or riff 5 times and each sounded a bit different.  He had to rate them and give some comments about each one.  He found out this was conducted by Korg and they used a computer to play back the same song using the different sounds from different keyboards.  The Genos, Korg Kronos, Korg PA4X, Roland FA8 and Nord Stage2 were the keyboards he heard.  Does this mean anything, no because sound quality is subjective to each person.  There is not a definitive way to state which is better or worse, only opinions and ratios of people who prefer one sound set to others.  In this case, the Genos is shining according to the results.

Lastly, Yamaha's own marketing reports show an overwhelming amount of people were able to pick out the differences between the Tyros 5 and Genos's sound sets and the preference of the Genos sounds over the Tyros 5 was about 87% overall in favor of the Genos.  They found the same results when met with many different demoers and store experts who told them the same thing.  The sales may be the biggest indicator as people speak with their wallet and this is where the Genos is proving it.


As many well know have been a fence sitter since Genos was announced .   Decided to order a Genos last month, but here in
Israel cannot expect it perhaps until later in July.   Have since sold my Tyros 5.

The 2 things that made me get off fence was reading all the wonderful comments about the machine and of course
my wonderful  and handy women's intuition.

\\\"I have suffered for my music, now it\\\'s your turn\\\"   Neil Innes


Hi Elaine,

Me too. I also had serious reservations about getting the Genos. Wouldn't I miss some of the buttons that are on the Tyros but not on the Genos, and some other worries...
At first there were some issues but they got solved by the update 1.30.
There are still a couple of things to be solved. For instance, I miss the Upper Octave indication on the display, but I guess in time it will all be sorted out.
The touch screen is a joy to work with and with the assignable buttons there's a lot to be done.

Now, after 4 months, all my registrations are updated and fine-tuned. And they sound wonderful.
The touch screen needs some getting used to but you will learn quickly and editing text is now so much easier with the virtual keyboard.

One thing annoyed me from the beginning however; the fingerprints on the display!!!! But, I made a screen protector and it works just fine.

I tried several plastic sheets and I got the best result with Transparency sheets. The ones that are used in Ink Jet Printers. They are firm, don't wrinkle, are very clear and they don't show fingerprints at all! The response of the touch screen is not affected.

When it gets 'dirty' you just throw it away and replace it with another one. You can cut 2 protectors out of 1 sheet. Don't clean the Transparency with water because you'll get stains on it.

Size:  20.2 x 11.6  cm   / 7.95 x 4.56 inches   

I'm not talented ... but I practice a lot.
please visit


Thanks Stijn.

Appreciate the transparency sheet tip and hopefully can get it translated into hebrew so can go to the computer store and
ask for it.   Also would like to know if there are other methods to clean that screen.  Certainly will have to be more conscientous
about cleaning hands after pizza.   
Although there are serveral threads pertaining to some of the problems experienced on the Genos, the positives outnumber
the negatives... All machines have the capacity for the agony and ecstasy, so am not expecting to be completely under
its spell whenever it arrives.   There is so much help and advice on the forum to overcome most if not all technical aspects.
What i am waiting for is  the Liberace fairy dust file.   

\\\"I have suffered for my music, now it\\\'s your turn\\\"   Neil Innes


Hi Elaine,
  I always just wipe my screen with and micro fibre cloth when I switch off. Just as I do with my I pad. No problems at all.


Was this question supposed to be worded:

"What's 1 or 2 Reasons that Made You Return Your Genos?"

Just kidding - BUT, I have a couple already..... although I haven't returned it ..... YET.

Fred Smith

Quote from: 8t8KEEZ on Jun 29, 2018, 03:04 PM
Was this question supposed to be worded:

"What's 1 or 2 Reasons that Made You Return Your Genos?"

Just kidding - BUT, I have a couple already..... although I haven't returned it ..... YET.

Ok. What are they. Would be interested to know.
Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Mixing multiple time signatures within a single song...

Can't advance through a playlist using a pedal OR any of the buttons on the screen - You have to tap and load ...

For the purposes of illustration ... I've attached 3 songs that contain multiple time signatures ... THIS is what would really sell me on this keyboard.... I can deal with the playlist, and just use registrations ... Matter of fact, I think it was Fred who gave me this idea .... that was also a big help.... but ... mixed time signatures probably requires a custom style, is my guess....

[attachment deleted by admin]

Fred Smith

Quote from: 8t8KEEZ on Jun 29, 2018, 03:55 PM
Mixing multiple time signatures within a single song...

Can't advance through a playlist using a pedal OR any of the buttons on the screen - You have to tap and load ...

For the purposes of illustration ... I've attached 3 songs that contain multiple time signatures ... THIS is what would really sell me on this keyboard.... I can deal with the playlist, and just use registrations ... Matter of fact, I think it was Fred who gave me this idea .... that was also a big help.... but ... mixed time signatures probably requires a custom style, is my guess....

I just use a registration when I have different time signatures. I change from a 4/4 style to a 3/4 style, for example.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Okay, Fred! I will try that... I am not giving up, that's for sure ... NEVER! and I'm NOT taking my Genos back... I actually love it.... I just need to get used to how to take advantage of it with workarounds ...


Quote from: 8t8KEEZ on Jun 29, 2018, 03:55 PM
Mixing multiple time signatures within a single song...

Can't advance through a playlist using a pedal OR any of the buttons on the screen - You have to tap and load ...

For the purposes of illustration ... I've attached 3 songs that contain multiple time signatures ... THIS is what would really sell me on this keyboard.... I can deal with the playlist, and just use registrations ... Matter of fact, I think it was Fred who gave me this idea .... that was also a big help.... but ... mixed time signatures probably requires a custom style, is my guess....

I have come across the same issue many times with mixed time signatures within a song. I have found two solutions, just in case the registration idea doesn't work out properly.

Actually our fellow forum member (Jørgen Sørensen) who developed a lot of our custom software that we use on our Yamaha keyboards has created a program that does exactly that, place a different time signature with a different style Main Variation. I have the program and fooled around with it a while back, however I ended up using my second solution that I will explain later.

The program is called, Style Time Editor. Check link below. Jorgen even has a sample style to download from this page.
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You can try it, but I ended up using a second method. Even if I managed to create such a style with different time signatures, it would be too taxing for me to press the correct style variation at the exact time without error. Maybe not such a disaster between a 4/4 or a 2/4 timing, but your song would come to a crash if you mixed up a 4/4 with a 3/4 or in one of your hymn examples, a 5/4 with a 3/4 timing mix-up. If you are precise, then maybe a great solution to create a variable time signature style.

What is unique to Yamaha is their Free Play styles. Meaning, no strict tempo is required. I created several modified variations that I use for the exact purpose you described. Some sustained Multipads work well with a Free Play style as well. Even a guitar strumming pattern Multipad that cycles very two beats can work with both a combination of a 4/4 and 2/4 song. A suitable Free Play style or tweaked one within Style Creator can work no problem with that 5/4 and 3/4 song. You can get nice fills and style breaks manually at the correct times or trigger a one shot Multipad fill at the correct time. Several Free Play styles in the Genos or available from YamahaMusicSoft.

If I find time this weekend, I'll take a stab at one of your PDF songs and post a MP3 of my results using one of my Free Play styles.

Regards, Marcus 

Edit: Forgot, Jorgen's Style Half Bar Fill Creator could work for your 4/4 and 2/4 timing song by pressing a 2/4 style fill at the correct measure to keep the timing correct in your song with this combination of time signatures. Here is that link.
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