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New Genos being delivered tomorrow

Started by MINKYCATS, Apr 17, 2018, 12:16 PM

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Hi guys and gals,

I finally took the plunge and part exchanged my Tyros 5 - 61 key for a new Genos which is being delivered tomorrow (Wednesday).

As Eileen remarked "....... there are no pockets in shrouds" and at 77 years of age I think I should treat myself.

But I need some advice please. My Tyros 5 is fitted with an Expansion Board and I have loaded a couple of packs and the Tower Wurlitzer  TTT registration pack.

What do I need to do before I hand over the T5.

Do I need to do a factory reset and what would be the effect of that? How would I do a factory reset if I need to?

Can I get the expansion packs assigned to the Genos and if so how?

Do I need to delete the expansion packs from YEM and if so how?

Anything else I should do?

I'm sure I've read threads containing some of this information but can't find them

Any help would be much appreciated.

Kind regards to all.

Yamaha AR100 organ:  Genos
Previous: Hammond C3 with PR40 tone cabinet, Yamaha E30, Technics SX-EX60, Yamaha EL70, Technics KN7000, Tyros 5 - 61 and others.


You can delete packs from Keyboard by just loading in a very small file that is not copy write. This will clear the TTT ones.
  Keep them on your YEM because you can then load them into Genos. They will sound great. If you put your name on the keyboard I would remove it. Once you have a correct back up of your hard drive you can then format it if you want to.



For me, the goal is to keep growing/learning.



Prepare to lose lots of sleep, annoy the neighbours and have your ears flattened by excessive use of earphones.



Hello Eileen

Thank you for that useful advice.

Hello guitpic1

Thanks for your congratulations. I am looking forward to a new challenge.

Hello RichardL

Thank you for your congratulations. I'm sure your right about losing lots of sleep. I only play with speakers occasionally and tend to use headphones a lot so, hopefully, there shouldn't be an issue with neighbours. But using headphones for a long period of time is not a great thing to do. I shall have to keep an eye on the volume and comfort aspects.
I'm looking forward to exploring and playing the new toy. Won't be long now.

Yamaha AR100 organ:  Genos
Previous: Hammond C3 with PR40 tone cabinet, Yamaha E30, Technics SX-EX60, Yamaha EL70, Technics KN7000, Tyros 5 - 61 and others.