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How many registration Banks can I have

Started by bobimsarm, Apr 14, 2018, 03:56 PM

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I have psr s970. I have used all banks A through J. How do I create more banks like K, J, L, Etc

Fred Smith

Quote from: bobimsarm on Apr 14, 2018, 03:56 PM
I have psr s970. I have used all banks A through J. How do I create more banks like K, J, L, Etc

First, you create your registration banks. You can have hundreds of them.

Your keyboard will display the banks 10 per page. There will be tabs at the bottom of the screen to move from page to page.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Thanks for responding. I guess the question I needed to ask was how do I create a new page that can hold 10 new bags


10 new Banks. Sorry I was using voice to text


You don't need to create 'new pages' for additional banks.  It is all done automatically as you add or delete banks from a folder.

A folder can contain up to 500 reg. banks, and the selection screen displays all the banks in a given folder arranged alphabetically, 10 on each page.  If there are any folders at the same level, it will list those first (even if they don't contain registrations).

If there are more than 10 items to list in a given folder, the display will automatically create tabs for the additional pages to display them.  You will see these at the bottom left of the screen and can move through them to the page that you want using the buttons underneath.

There can be a maximum of 50 'pages' for a given folder, which represents the 500 file limit divided by the number of items (10) that can be displayed per page.

Note that these 'pages' are not different physical locations, they are just a way of displaying different parts of the list of files in the folder.  In the same way that the number of pages automatically increase as you add more files, they also decrease if you delete files.




Thanks Ian.... very complete explanation. I will give it a try and let you know