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Live Control Setting Question

Started by Tankdave, Mar 31, 2018, 01:40 PM

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As we all know the latest update enables us to change the "KBD" slider to "KB Vol".

So I go ahead and set it but every time I go to adjust the volume with the slider, it is set back as a "KBD" control. 

I will take guess that again its registrations that are changing it?  thinking this way sent to Murrays Reg manager but I can't see that it will overcome this one?

Am I correct or am I need of some more wisdom? and surely these live controls need to be added to the "Parameter Lock" options?



I would certainly like to see more Parameter Lock options, live control, and button assignments being obvious ones, since as soon as you start saving those to registrations, (whether deliberately or by chance) you can get into serious confusion unless you are highly organised and disciplined to cope.
That's why I keep them unticked when saving, and having just seen Eileen's later post she probably does too.


Mine reads Kbd on switch on and works just as it should. I do have Assignable Buttons ticked in my memory. Have had no problem since update.

Kaarlo von Freymann

Quote from: Tankdave on Mar 31, 2018, 01:40 PM
As we all know the latest update enables us to change the "KBD" slider to "KB Vol".

So I go ahead and set it but every time I go to adjust the volume with the slider, it is set back as a "KBD" control. 

I will take guess that again its registrations that are changing it?  thinking this way sent to Murrays Reg manager but I can't see that it will overcome this one?

Am I correct or am I need of some more wisdom? and surely these live controls need to be added to the "Parameter Lock" options?


THANKS, I am so glad I am not the only one struggling with these problems.  I have tried to solve this problem by putting EVERYTHING under every reg button. But then it seems - some  kind guy pointed that out to me, can't find his message now - the memory gets overloaded and memory banks are corrupted  some time later, not directly after the memorization.  If you try to find postings by Kaarlo von Freymann you will find a lot about this PROBLEM.




Quote from: EileenL on Mar 31, 2018, 02:02 PM
Mine reads Kbd on switch on and works just as it should. I do have Assignable Buttons ticked in my memory. Have had no problem since update.

Hi Eileen

If I change the end slider to "KB Vol" why does it not remember this? 
Is it supposed to go back to "KBD" when power cycled, and if its not Registrations doing this? is this a bug or have I got a fault?



I have been creating my own registration banks for years on all Yamaha keyboards. Never had a problem. I decide what I want my registration to do and make sure I have the right boxes ticked in memory. I use two effects pedals so have that box ticked. I do not want transpose to change when I change a registration so I leave that unticked.. I want the style I have chosen and the tempo I want it at so Style and Tempo are ticked.
I also have Voice, Multi Pad, Keyboard Harmony/Arpeggio, Scale tune, Live control and Assignable Buttons ticked. I then start to make up my voices that I want to use set volumes and panning and also decide if I want a multi pad to sync start select the style variation and volume. Then I save it to Button 1. So that the style dose not jump about I then put the Freeze button on while I do the other nine buttons altering style variations as I go. When I am happy with it I save it. This bank will now play correctly when ever I use it.


Hi Dave,
  It dose not seem to matter what it shows it still works as it should at controlling the whole keyboard volume.
If you want it to show KdbVol you must save it to your registration bank as this but if it shows just Kdb it still works as it should. It is not faulty.



In an ideal world, perhaps all the individual things that can be set on the Genos or memorized in a registration should have an "opt-out" setting?  i.e. all be in the "parameter lock" and saved as left.

This would help me some because I have hundreds of registraions made "and saved" by others, I still love my Genos though, despite it being a steep leaning curve.


Joe H

This is one more example of how someone THINKS their keyboard should work instead of accepting how it was actually designed to work.

Yamaha cannot customize all functions, it would raise the cost far too high.  But then again... for $6000 I guess it's reasonable to expect we get our money's worth.


Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Never having owned any type of arranger keyboard before or a previous Tyros, I find I'm "THINKING" a lot of how I believe it may work. 
Sometimes I'm right, sometimes I'm not, sometimes I'm back on the learning curve and sometimes the Yamaha "way" seems illogical.   This is the latter to me, if you put "some" items in the Parameter Lock why not put them all?  It may be correct about the price or it could be processing power?

Don't get me wrong, I am happy to live with the limitations "once I work them out"  This is all new to me and the way this thing works is not always logical to me.  I think I will be able to "accept" how it works, only when I understand "how" it works.

It been great fun learning and I'm glad I got an Arranger as opposed to a Synth/Workstation, much more fun playing rather than programming.


Quote from: Tankdave on Mar 31, 2018, 02:48 PM

If I change the end slider to "KB Vol" why does it not remember this? 
Is it supposed to go back to "KBD" when power cycled, and if its not Registrations doing this? is this a bug or have I got a fault?


To answer your specific questions:
"If I change the end slider to "KB Vol" why does it not remember this? "
Most probably because some of your registrations (they would have to be those made or resaved on Genos) must have been memorised with Live Control ticked (if you agree). Incidentally it should show as "KbdVol".
"Is it supposed to go back to "KBD" when power cycled". No, mine doesn't.
"and if its not Registrations doing this? is this a bug or have I got a fault?"
It's a big IF in my opinion, and I don't have a firm alternative explanation. If it was a bug everyone else's keyboard would lose the settings too and I know my own keyboard does not, hence that explanation is not a likely one.

I disagree with Eileen where she says it works "as it should" even if the name changes. Although KbdVol and Kbd at first glance may appear to operate the same, the former reduces or increases levels of the 4 panel voices keeping the volume relationships (ie. the overall blend of voices) as they were when first setup, which can be useful.  (One of the first things I checked after OS v1.2) 
Kbd is no longer a selectable option in Live Control with OS 1.2, but it may still show as a leftover on some slider and knob displays depending on what you had set up before the new version (as in my case). I'm guessing it may also keep appearing if you have saved registrations before v1.2 with live control ticked at a time when Kbd had been selected. Currently on my Genos the leftover Kbd feature works as Volume does and if you select it to work on the 4 panel voices it will reduce and increase them but you will end up with them all at the same volumes, destroying the blend of voices and of little use at all.

Sorry for the complications but you did say you like to get to know how things work (and as our builder keeps saying "it is what it is"). :)



Thinking about this some more, any Registration made "before" the latest SW release with the Live Control "KB Vol" option, cannot have this option "set" when I use an old registraion simply because the option never existed when the reg was saved?

So without the ability to "lock" the live controls like some of the other things, this will keep happening?

If this is correct?, I shall accept it with the hope it "may" get addressed at some point.  I won't loose any sleep over it though and thanks for helping me understand and get my poor old Bass Players head around something with more than 4 or 5 strings.

Genos limitations are fine when understood, but it is more often than not my lack of understanding & experience that is my problem.


Quote from: Tankdave on Apr 01, 2018, 02:57 PM
Thinking about this some more, any Registration made "before" the latest SW release with the Live Control "KB Vol" option, cannot have this option "set" when I use an old registraion simply because the option never existed when the reg was saved?

So without the ability to "lock" the live controls like some of the other things, this will keep happening?

If this is correct?

It may be correct. The only thing I can't check for myself is how the earlier registrations with the old Keyboard/Kbd settings saved "actually" perform after v1.2. Regardless of what name shows, have you double checked how the volumes change when the slider is moved-- see my previous post for what should happen.
It's possible (as Eileen's comments inferred) that the software is smart enough to produce the correct result but has not been configured to switch the displayed name from Kbd to KbdVol. 
If it works as it should you are home and dry (and you must accept Kbd means KbdVol). If not you are stuck with it until you can re-memorise or batch change the Regs.  :)



I can't figure out how batch-change this one, Live controls are not on Murray's program, that or I can't see them?