zip file

Started by Musicman123, Mar 26, 2018, 12:40 AM

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Hi can someone explain how to get the style from the zip file onto my keyboard or usb stick , I can get the pdf files .but cant see hoe to get the style from the zip , I use peazip . any advice will be welcome


Roger Brenizer

When I Unzip a file, all the files within a Zip file are extracted and the filenames, including the extension, are then displayed.  Are you saying that the style files aren't being extracted, Stuart?

Please attach the Zip file that's causing you problems and I'll look at it for you.  :)
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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HiThanks for the reply , I will try and send you what you asked for ,allI can say is if I pick a pdf file sheet music id  come off and I can print it from downloads , when i Pick a style I extract it , but I cant see where it goes ,so cant see how I can get it on a memory stick and use it



I use Windows 7 and just double click the zip file and they are unzipped, then just copy the unzipped files to your USB stick - it's that easy.

Gary 8)
Love Those Yammies...


I think what Musicman 123 is saying is, he can't find the files when they are unzipped.
I'm running Win 10 and they unzip into the Download folder, and show the STY extensions, which i can then copy across to the USB stick.
It is possible to state where you want the files unzipped to as a default function, but for me the Download folder is fine.


Make a 'New Folder' of the song name
Drag the 'zip' to the folder
Click on 'unzip here'
Now all should be in the same folder
Then copy to your USB


Yahoo thanks Roger , Pino , Kenneve , done it at last with the zip files . Im slow at this as you can see but Im getting there with all the advice you guys provide , your a great lot .



Quote from: Musicman123 on Mar 26, 2018, 08:58 PM
....with all the advice you guys provide , your a great lot .

How true. How very true.
