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Insertion effects on Chord 1 not memorized by a Registration button

Started by Lee Batchelor, Mar 24, 2018, 08:12 PM

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Lee Batchelor

The insertion effects on Chord 1 are not memorized by a Registration button. Anyone notice that?

It's happening with the Slow Waltz-->Chord 1-->Dist. The Dist is set to 127. I dial it out to 0, memorize the setting to Button 10. When I press Button 10, the Dist effect reverts to 127. The T5 would memorize this setting. Why not Genos?

I often assign the last registration button (10 on Genos, 8 on T5) to trigger the second or third ending. Why won't this setting stay at 0?
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


Yes that happens with mine too. (Except the lowest value I can get to is 1 not zero).
The Dist on slow waltz is a Legacy one. I've noticed before that some Legacy dsp's appear not to hold all values (but I also used to find on Ty5 that it was not possible to alter the Sends on many dsp types, they are fixed at 127).
As an example if you switch to a "modern" Genos distortion such as Tweed Guy the value is held.
How about if you turn the DSP off for your endings and memorise that?  That should hold in the Reg.

Lee Batchelor

John, I've never tried a value of 1. Doing so would be the easiest move and render the distortion effect virtually gone. I'd love to meet the whiz kid at Yamaha who figured a distortion guitar is suitable for a Slow waltz. Probably the same person who figured the best way to introduce the Genos is with nothing but EDM.

Thanks for the help.
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


yeah.. i have a few choice words for that programmer too..