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Draw Bars

Started by Bud2, Mar 22, 2018, 09:05 PM

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Has anyone noticed how far you need to move a draw bar to get the one on the screen to move from 8 to 7 and at the other end from 0 to 1, the remaing movement of the draw bar is quite small, it makes them the same length as they were on the Tyros 5 under the screen. When I saw how long the draw bars were when I first saw the Genos I thought they had done well to make the draw bars longer almost the length of the real ones but when you check closely like I just have you can see how much movement is wasted at each end of the total travel. The reason I have only just noticed this is because on the odd ocasion when I have gone to alter the draw bars I have done it on the screen.
I would be interested what anyone else thinks.


Genos & YC61 and Tannoy Gold 5 Monitors
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I am glad you agree and that I am not imagine it Soryt. Thanks.


It is very common that you have to move the sliders a considerable amount from the top resp. bottom position before reacting. I guess this is to compensate for mechanical tolerances to make sure the real slider values will be in the total range 0-127. My other (non-Yamaha) keyboards show this behaviour, too.

BUT - I agree fully that this dead range is wayyyy to big on the Genos. When I adjust a slider with a value range of 0-127, I have to move the slider approximately 6 mm from the bottom resp top position to get from 0 to 1 resp. 127 to 126. This is ridiculous. The total slider length is 45 mm, and within 12 mm there is no reaction, that's a dead range of roughly 25 percent. Bummer! This is just unacceptable for a high-priced TOTL keyboard.
Regards, Michael


Dromeus, I am glad you agree, I also agree there would be a small amount of movement but this amount is ridiculous. I never checked on the Tyros 5 or 4 but the movement on these were a lot less anyway and as I said in my original post, seeing the length of the movement in the Genos I thought they had made it to emulate the real thing.  >:(


did you ever play the Hammond bill ?????? ive never had a problem with draw bars on any Tyros or now Genos and I was on Genos from 10am till 4 pm on Saturday and ill have mine on the 6th of April I think its about time you Recorded a song instead of moaning about it


Willie I am not moaning about it but just stating a fact which I don't think is right. I have posted a couple of tunes on Keith's forum.


well in that case why not post your 2 songs on here and the question I asked was did you ever play a Hammond that had  Draw bars??? and stating the fact you are incorrect because on genos it is the same travel as Organ Draw bars  :) hope you are having fun with it :)


Hi Willie, yes I have played an organ with draw bars and I know the travel is the same it's just that on the Genos the draw bar on the screen doesn't move until the actual draw bar moves about 7mm, from the full out position and the same from the full in position, you can see other people have agreed with me. I have posted one of my tunes on here now.