Some help for YEM

Started by Misu, Mar 13, 2018, 08:11 PM

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I need your support for few things
1. One PPI 309MB (2 packs) and my S970 give me this message:
<Expansion Pack Install Failed. The wave data amount of the Voices is too large>
I erase 15 voices from one pack and PPI becomes 305MB and works.
How many or how big waves support different keyboards (S970 in my case)?
2.I still don't know how to use the Copy/Paste function on this software can someone to guide me, a link or a movie for this?

Any help will be apreciated
Thanks & Best regards

[attachment deleted by admin]
PSR SX-900; PA 1000; AKX 10


Hi --

I'm not sure if you want to copy and paste some other kind of YEM object, but the Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete menu shown in your screenshot is specifically for copying, pasting, etc. either a voice Element or a Drum Key.

Please see the description of item 9 on page 25 of the Yamaha Expansion Manager Owner's Manual.

I don't have any experience with Drum Keys, but I have used this menu to copy and paste a voice Element. First, select the Element to be copied. Choose "Copy" from the menu. Then, select the destination Element. Choose "Paste" from the menu.

Hope this helps -- pj


Quote from: Misu on Mar 13, 2018, 08:11 PM

I need your support for few things
1. One PPI 309MB (2 packs) and my S970 give me this message:
<Expansion Pack Install Failed. The wave data amount of the Voices is too large>
I erase 15 voices from one pack and PPI becomes 305MB and works.
How many or how big waves support different keyboards (S970 in my case)?
2.I still don't know how to use the Copy/Paste function on this software can someone to guide me, a link or a movie for this?

Any help will be apreciated
Thanks & Best regards

Misu, meniul ala copiaza doar elementele INTREGI, nu doar un wav din element, si il pozitioneaza in alt element. Adica, spre exemplu daca tu ai un ton mono (adica tras pe un singur canal) si vrei sa-l faci artificial stereo, copiezi elementul 1 , dai click pe elementul 2, dai Paste, si vei avea elementul 1 si in elementul 2. Pe elementul 1, te duci la General si ii dai panorama in stanga, iar la elementul 2 o dai in dreapta. poti face diferite artificii apoi pe fiecare element si faci notele sa sune altfel pe stanga, altfel pe dreapta, chiar daca e acelasi sample.

Sorry for writing in Romanian, but because my friend is also form Romania, I preferred to understand me better in our language.
As a translation, that copy-paste menu is a Element dedicated menu, not part of an element (not for waves from element). So, when you click on Copy on a element you will copy entire element, not only w wave inside it. You have to select another element, click on paste. The first element will be copied into the second element. Now, as a "artificial" solution, you can pan the first element to the right and the second one to the left. Make some tweaking on each element, (better different) and you will have a nice stereo voice ;)

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos


Thanks a lot guys,

Now it's clear with <copy/paste> I wanted to create a voice for accompaniment with 12 repetitive wave (braci) where all C (C1, C2, C3 ...) sing only C3 wave
Seems to don't be for this, to copy paste wave element.
How about number of waves or I don't know amount of waves.
I say <number> because I can install easy packs with ~500MB but not these 2 with only 309MB

PSR SX-900; PA 1000; AKX 10


Quote from: Misu on Mar 14, 2018, 10:20 AM
Thanks a lot guys,

Now it's clear with <copy/paste> I wanted to create a voice for accompaniment with 12 repetitive wave (braci) where all C (C1, C2, C3 ...) sing only C3 wave
Seems to don't be for this, to copy paste wave element.
How about number of waves or I don't know amount of waves.
I say <number> because I can install easy packs with ~500MB but not these 2 with only 309MB


It's simple Mihai... Load for each key the same WAV file (or aiff, or whatever sample file you have in C3 key) . Each C (C1, C2, C3, etc) will have the Original key in C3 and Fixed Pitch put it to ON (this will not transpose the sample to octave + or -).
The program will not double or triple the wav file sample, but will use the same startAddress for each other.

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos


Many thanks Vali!

PSR SX-900; PA 1000; AKX 10