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S770 to S975?

Started by Davet99us, Mar 08, 2018, 06:35 PM

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I have a S770 and was going to upgrade to a S970, do you think it wise to go to the S975? There is about a US $200 difference in price


I would say that if you've already decided to trade from S770 up to the next level, then go to the S975. You might as well take what it has to offer, which is additional voices and a lot more expansion memory. It will also hold its value a little better if you decide to go up to Genos in future.

Toril S

Wise words. I agree.
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


200$ for the newest model is a fair price and not too much.
The difference in price between s770 and s775 before s770 finally go out of the market was much higher in Europe(over 400$)
Covers on Youtube (live playing)
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Here in the US the S970 has been re-priced to $1799, whereby the S975 is $1999.


Before you make the trade, you should be sure you really want to do this. The S970 and S770 are very similar in terms of features and operations. The main things the S970 will give you are:

+ Vocal harmony
+ More voices
+ More expansion memory
+ Audio styles
+ Better internal speakers

If you don't need or want any of those - particularly the first one - then you might end up feeling a bit short-changed.


I will use the Vocal Harmony, in both my little 2 man band, and my songwriting (I do a lot of vocals). The audio styles, as well as the increased voices will also help (more for the songwriting part). I don't need the expansion memory and the better internal speakers??

Thanks for the help and guidance.

One other question, has anyone heard when this new keyboard will be available here in the US?? I have hear May, but ???