How to Record a Yamaha Genos midi file In a Mac Logic Pro x software?

Started by Tyros567, Mar 03, 2018, 06:10 AM

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I know how to record using my Yamaha Genos midi or audio in a Mac Logic Pro x,
But my question is that I made some midi files on my Genos and I want to play that midi song and record it Directly to my Mac Logic Pro in a single channel or on separate channels any way, does anybody knows how? I tried but , Mac Pro Logic Pro x does not receive any signal, it's weird because how come I can record from scratch and Mac receives midi signal and midi song signal does not?


Why not just save the midi file to USB, then transfer the file to your computer & open it in your DAW?
Would that work for you?
Best wishes,


I am using the Mac with Logic Pro X and Genos.  I sorely miss a plugin or app for Mac OSX to choose voices and effects as they did with Montage and Motif, but I am not holding my breath!  My work around is to record a 'skeleton' song on the Genos built in sequencer. This stores the voices, effects and settings in the midi file. Save the song on a USB stick on the Genos (it saves as a standard MIDI file) and then copy this to the Mac. Either open or import the midifile into Logic, I prefer to Import. This will create a series of software instrument tracks for each track of the midifile (there might be a way of avoiding this but I haven't yet figured it out!).  Next create 16 empty midi tracks in Logic using the Genos (Digital workstation 1) as the midi out (ensure you've connected your Genos to the mac via a USB cable).  Now you can drag the midi tracks from the software instruments to their respective midi external tracks, just use the List editors on the right panel to inspect the start of the tracks. One slight issue I've experienced with Logic is that sometimes it doesn't like the midi events (program changes, sysex etc) too close together. Yamaha records them very close, almost on the same beat. You can change these manually if necessary in logic. When you play back the midifile in Logic it should play the respective sounds on the Genos. Voila!  You can now edit the midifile in logic as a song and if you want, record new sections.   You may also want to go to the midi settings on the Genos and set the Local on to off, so that when you play the Genos keyboard it doesnt double up playing its internal voices and playing them via logic.


Quote from: Taffinator on Mar 03, 2018, 03:52 PM
Why not just save the midi file to USB, then transfer the file to your computer & open it in your DAW?
Would that work for you?
Best wishes,
Thanks, but when I save it again in DAW, (Logic Pro x) takes more than 8MB, a midi file that is not larger than a 40 KB, why?


It's easy to record your Genos intoLogic..  Sync Logic and Genors up.  Logic is the master, Genos syncs from it.  Put Genos in Play.. the record in Logic..

Next you have to put the right CC events, and programs into Logic, so they will sound exactly like Genos sequence..

An easy way is to select a registration, OTHER than the one you want to use.. Put Logic into record, then select the correct Genos programs.. 

Soetims I find it easier, to create a what I call a Logic Controller midi file.

Logic Control midi sequencer - Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

Here's a pic of what it looks like - Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

Notice you can put what ever CC events you want into the control sequence.. Remember Logic programs run form - 0 - 127 while Yamaha run  1 - 128.. So your must subtract one number from the program that Genos lists on it's face plate. Different companies use either scheme. NOTE - you only change the PROG number..   MSB and LSB remain work properly

Using this method, allows you to move recorded Genos sequencers to other Logic tracks, and record in sync new Genos parts into Logic, for   a bigger production..

Logic midi files are going to be bigger, don' worry about it.


Granted the midi file will only occupy 40KB or so, but a Logic Pro project has to save a lot more information and naturally will take more space. If you are struggling for space and don't need to do anything with the file other than play it in logic, you could just save the midi files from Genos and keep them in a folder to play in logic.  Once you import the midi file into logic, logic will convert it into its native project format which includes any plugins, other tracks used, settings for every single plugin, track, the logic environment, audio waveform tracks and so on.

If you need to edit the midi file in logic and then put it back into Genos, you will need to export the project as a midi file again from Logic.
