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Genos Teaser Video Makers

Started by Oldden, Feb 10, 2018, 10:45 PM

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Just info,

The people who made the teaser Genos videos were, see link below.

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Mentioned there are 'helpful tutorials' ...
Wonder where they went to!  😂😁

Al 😊
😊  I started out with nothing .. and I've got most of it left!  😊

🎹 Tyros 5-76,  now the brilliant Genos 🎹
Genelec 8030C Studio Monitors on K&M stands
K&M Spider Pro Stand, K&M Accessories. I love K&M!

Kaarlo von Freymann

Hi Al,

At 83 one has the impression that most teasers are noisy, overly visual and zero useful. YAMAHA's did not whet my appetite to buy Genos.  I bought one because my dealer since 1968  had one sent to my house: " Try it, you may want to trade in your Tyros 5/6"   
And that is so not only for keyboards, I perform magic and many teasers have such loud background noise and so many explosions that I cannot even understand what the trick is. 10 years ago no teaser had noisy effects, they tried to show you how the prop would enable you to entertain your audience. They were truthful and done to the point. I know because otherwise I would not have bought over 200 !
The same strange attitude reigns in the PC world. Instead of fixing problems  -  remember VISTA - they concentrate on visual effects like a paper being copied flying from one spot on the screen to another. And presidents have lowered themselves to being tweeters !!!!



