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PSR E-463 & EW-410

Started by AnupamEnosh, Feb 04, 2018, 10:45 PM

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It is more than a week, since the NAMM 2018, and I am still waiting for a video footage of these machines. Were these showcased this year at NAMM, or not ?


I know they were announced, and I assume they were on display, but I don't know. In the past, most of the videos of new models that I've seen from NAMM were made and posted by the music stores-- Sweetwater, Musician's Friend, zZounds, Guitar Center, Kraft Music, etc.-- rather than from the manufacturers.

I'm hoping the manuals will be posted before too long, but if the keyboards themselves aren't expected to ship until about May then it might be a little while still before the manuals get posted.


It's a pity that there are absolutly no new sounds in the E463. Most of the new features are for DJ Live playing, and it's not my cup of tea.
I have just bought a E453 and love it, but I will sell it soon because I have bought a Casio MZ-X300 for 299 € (Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login). It's a great machine, but no USB Audio to host (but it's also the case of the PSR-S670).


299 Euros for that Casio?  That's about $375 US, right?  I thought those Casio MZX arrangers were going to be much more expensive than that.  I'd be curious about the MZX-500, which has (from what I've read) sound editing features, but I didn't see it listed at that link you provided.  How's the key feel on that MZX?  My concerns with recent Casios is that, to me, the key feel has been kind of "spongy" on recent models, but I'm wondering if their new higher-end models are better.

As for the E463, we'll have to wait for the data list.  It has the same number of voices, but I guess it's possible that some of the voices could still be different or upgraded compared to previous models.
Current: Yamaha PSR-E433 (x2), Roland GAIA SH-01, Casio CDP-200R, Casio MT-68 (wired to bass pedals)
Past: Yamaha PSR-520, PSR-510, PSR-500, DX-7, D-80 home organ, and a few Casios


Well, the normal prices of the Casio MZ-X are around 700/800€ for the X300  and 900/1000€ for the X500. The best price I have seen before this offer was 560€ for the X300.

Well, the MZ-X300 is very similar to a PSR-S670 in term of features. You have a tone editor, a style editor, the sounds are great and can be deeply edited and stored. This can be done on the nice colour touchscreen. And there is a sofware editor to make new sounds from your personal samples.
Yes, the keyboard is "smoother" than the E453 one, but less noisy and the key travel il a bit longer.  You feel the difference when you go from one keyboard to the other, but when you are playing, this is quicky forgotten.
What I like is that there is a third main FX (Delay) and it was a lack on the PSR. The 2x20W speakers are great too.
The look and feel is good, but I found that the PSR-E453 has a better "perceived quality".
