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Genos: Will not shut off!

Started by t4inbax, Jan 24, 2018, 03:37 PM

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Hi ya'll from Baxley, Ga. Since I installed v1.10, my Genos will not shut off, unless I hold down button for several seconds... Yamaha calls this in the manual a hard shut down, and warns against it. Anyone else having the same issue? Also, how do I report this to Yamaha?


Hi and welcome

There is a Genos section for queries relating to the Genos keyboard,if you post in that section your queries wil be more readily seen.

My Genos shuts off after about 1-2 seconds after holding in the on/off button,this is normal,any more than that you may have a fault,my keyboard is on the same firmware ie, 1.10

Previous keyboards-Yamaha PSR 410,Technics KN2000,KN5000,KN6000 , KN7000, Tyros5 and Genos

Al Ram

this is from the Genos User manual. . . . .

3 After you finish using the instrument, turn off the power by pressing and holding the 
(Standby/On) switch for about a second.

San Diego/Tijuana


The way I read this, the Genos will go into a standby mode with a quick push, just like most PCs. And, only a prolonged push will shut it down, again, like most PCs, smart phones, etc..., things that in the past would be inadvertently shut down with the slightest touch of the on/off button.

Good luck,

Gary 8)
Love Those Yammies...


Shutting my Genos off  has to be a deliberate press and hold for I guess over a second..   I assumed since they put it on the face plate (not a wise decision in my opinion), they wanted you to make sure you wanted to shut it off.

Not sure about a standby mode.. If I just push it quickly, doesn't seem to make a difference. Although I ADMIT i have not read the manual on this particular aspect..

I expect software and hardware, to work with 'common sense'..  that is as most people would expect it to work.. I don't like software, hardware companies that alter or change something that has been working well for years or decades..  Seems some young programmers, and design teams, now just want to make change for change sakes, without a solid logicical well thought out reason.  Power switch in back, made it no mistake, about shutting power off.  On the top????? does it really need to be there..   come on..   

How about each car manufacturer put their brake, gas, light pedals in different places, just so they can be unique?... 


Yes this is the way to switch of Genos with a firm press.


Any chance that when you've attempted a 'normal' shutdown, the Genos may have been in a record or edit mode or may have been displaying a message? It would be interesting to set it to auto power off and see if it does so successfully.

[attachment deleted by admin]


On these new keyboards and the 970 is the same, you need to hold the off button for at least a second or two.
  This will NOT cause any damage. It is the way the new technology works.


For normal shutdown a press of 1 or 2 seconds is sufficient. But if you are trying to shut down Genos when say in editing mode or there is a chance you might lose data, it displays a message.
"Press and Hold the Standby/On switch for longer than 3 seconds if you want to turn off the instrument while recording or editing."
So it depends on where you are in the menus at the time of shut off.


My very sincere apologies to all who responded to my query about my Genos not wanting to shut off until I held the button down firmly for several seconds 8 -10 ! The good news is the 1.20 upgrade fixed it, and now it shuts off in 2 to 3 seconds normally! Again, thanks to all who responded. Now the explanation as to why the delay in responding... I am not good at keeping up with the site... I am a scatter brain... I have fibromyalgia, and have to deal with it daily, but I will promise to do better next time. Thank you for all you dear wonderful friends who tried to help me. God bless you!!

John T4

what about the 1.3 upgrade ?



I would hope he has seen the upgrade available .. and done it!
I havent seen any shutdown issues anywhere on forum since.

😊  I started out with nothing .. and I've got most of it left!  😊

🎹 Tyros 5-76,  now the brilliant Genos 🎹
Genelec 8030C Studio Monitors on K&M stands
K&M Spider Pro Stand, K&M Accessories. I love K&M!


Quote from: EileenL on Jan 28, 2018, 06:20 AMOn these new keyboards and the 970 is the same, you need to hold the off button for at least a second or two.
  This will NOT cause any damage. It is the way the new technology works.

As John already mentioned, it depends on what you're doing when you turn off the keyboard.

In simplest terms it boils down to not shutting down if you're actively doing anything on the keyboard, apparently including "just sitting there" on certain menu screens.

But most of all, you don't want to be in the middle of loading a backup file of your keyboard's system memory when you turn it off, because that can corrupt the keyboard's system memory, which could be really bad.