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An idea: "Old style to Revo percussion converter"

Started by Teknoss, Jan 07, 2018, 10:21 PM

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Hi guys. I have an idea for a software to improve the quality of old styles.
"Old style to Revo percussion converter"
We have several good styles with percussion patterns recorded.
Most of them use the "Cuban Kit" etc.
But when we try to assign to the new revo "AfroCuban kit" it doesn't work.
The keys (notes) are different on those kits.
So a remap tool will allow us to use those styles with the revo percussion.

I apologize for my bad english. :)
Genos 2, Korg PA5X, Ketron EventX, Nord PedalKeys27


Hello Teknoss --

You're in luck!

Jørgen Sørensen's Revo Drum Cleaner:

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includes a note remap feature. The original purpose of his tool is to map from Revo to legacy, but you should also be able to map from a legacy drum kit to Revo.

If you want to experiment with your own Java code, please check out my MIDI note mapper (experimenter's kit):

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People wanting a real tool should go to Jørgen's site.  :)

All the best -- pj


Kari V

Quote from: pjd on Jan 08, 2018, 02:16 PM
Hello Teknoss --

You're in luck!

Jørgen Sørensen's Revo Drum Cleaner:

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includes a note remap feature. The original purpose of his tool is to map from Revo to legacy, but you should also be able to map from a legacy drum kit to Revo.

All the best -- pj

Jørgen Sørensen's Revo Drum Cleaner looks like a good tool . However, it falls a bit short of being a general (Revo) drum remapping tool because of the restriction built in, as mentioned on Jørgen's site: "The program will handle notes at or below value 28 = E-0 only!". I assume the restriction is there in order to make the tool easier to use for the original purpose.

There are Revo drums beyond the note 28. For instance:

Shaker 4 Long BR is note 79/G4 in BrazilianKit but note 77/F4 in PopPercKit and
Palmas R Open AF is note 89/F5 in AfroCubanKit but note 61/C#3 in PopPercKit.

Perhaps the tool could be extended to be more general, but I haven't dared to ask that from Jørgen: I haven't got the Genos, yet - it's not available over here and it may be better to wait a little bit in order for the reported bugs to be corrected.


Hi Kari --

Thanks for pointing this out. I'm sure Jørgen will see your comment.

If someone wants to give my experimenter's kit a go, the included Java program translates both MIDI note number and note velocity (full range 0:127 in both cases). The program reads two map files -- one for note numbers, one for note velocities -- so it's possible to change either map in a text editor. No programming knowledge required.

Jørgen does a great job adding a GUI, etc. when he makes a tool. The program in the experimenter's kit is command line only. (I'm lazy. :) ) However, the kit does include the source code.

All the best -- pj


Hi Kari

Sorry, I have not noticed your initial message...

It is safer to mail me directly. My mail is in the top of all pages at my web site...  ;)

Will the program work for your purpose, if I just remove the "below note value 28 restriction"...?

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Kari V

Quote from: Jørgen on Jan 16, 2018, 01:46 PM
Hi Kari

Sorry, I have not noticed your initial message...

It is safer to mail me directly. My mail is in the top of all pages at my web site...  ;)

Will the program work for your purpose, if I just remove the "below note value 28 restriction"...?


Hi Jørgen,

No need to be sorry: I sent the message today, so the answer was very quick!
The original poster was Teknoss, not me.

Yes, I believe that by removing the "below note value 28 restriction"  the tool will be perfect for drum note remapping purposes.

Thanks a lot!

All the best,



I will take a look at the software tomorrow...

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Would be great, because I miss something like this.
Roland keyboards has a similar function, but this is too expensive, to edit styles.
And the Yamaha keyboard's function, that looks like a remap tool, creates a new drum kit, what will be stored with the style.



Revo Drum Cleaner software can now remap ALL Drum Kit types.  ;)  ;)

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Kari V

Quote from: Jørgen on Jan 18, 2018, 04:25 AM

Revo Drum Cleaner software can now remap ALL Drum Kit types.  ;)  ;)

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Hi Jørgen,

I tested the tool and it worked well as far as I could notice: I don't have the Genos (yet), so I couldn't really test the Revo Drums, but I don't see why there would be any difference.

I also found a nice surprise by trying it for remapping drums of a Midifile: it seemed to work, although no csv-file was produced.

So could you make the support for drum remapping of Midifiles an officially supported feature, too? It would widen the potential use of the tool.

Thanks again!

All the best,




Have just checked the code briefly.

Looks like it will work with MIDI files too.

No csv file created puzzles me right now.

More test tomorrow... just to be sure...  ;)


Edited 12 hours later = Friday morning here:
- The missing csv file problem solved - check
- Adding selectable 1 or 2 channels to remap - check
- Adding MIDI file support - almost check
- Still coding and testing...
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Guess everything is working properly now - incl. MIDI file support and logging...  ;)

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Quote from: pjd on Jan 08, 2018, 02:16 PM
Hello Teknoss --

You're in luck!

Jørgen Sørensen's Revo Drum Cleaner:

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includes a note remap feature. The original purpose of his tool is to map from Revo to legacy, but you should also be able to map from a legacy drum kit to Revo.

If you want to experiment with your own Java code, please check out my MIDI note mapper (experimenter's kit):

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People wanting a real tool should go to Jørgen's site.  :)

All the best -- pj

Thank you! I downloaded both softwares. I'm making a scheme to convert
Cuban Kit to Revo AfroCuban Kit
Genos 2, Korg PA5X, Ketron EventX, Nord PedalKeys27


Quote from: Jørgen on Jan 18, 2018, 04:25 AM

Revo Drum Cleaner software can now remap ALL Drum Kit types.  ;)  ;)

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Thank you so much Jørgen! I building a scheme to convert the notes
of the old Cuban Kit (from Tyros seres etc) to the new Revo! AfroCuban kit
on Genos.
It's any way to export the scheme? It's almost done, I'm testing it.
Perhaps you can include the Scheme on your software "Revo Drum Cleaner/Enhancer" 😀
Genos 2, Korg PA5X, Ketron EventX, Nord PedalKeys27



I'm not happy to add more user maps into the program.
For each new map, I need to change the source code, compile new software version, change version number, create installation packs, update website, upload to web server, etc.

All maps in the program are located locally on your PC. Read Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login to find the file with maps. It's a simple text file that can be edited in Notepad.

The format is:
MapName|0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,42,42,42,42, ... etc. to 127 = a total of 128 values

In this example, the 13 (0-12) first values are mapped to identical values. The following values are mapped to 42 ...
The values are from the right column in the Remap Editor window.
It might even be easier to create the maps in Notepad...  ;)

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- since 1999

Kari V

Quote from: Jørgen on Jan 19, 2018, 04:07 AM

Guess everything is working properly now - incl. MIDI file support and logging...  ;)


Hi Jørgen,

Yes, it works flawlessly now both for styles and MIDI-files.

Mange tak!

All the best,


Kari V

Quote from: Teknoss on Jan 19, 2018, 06:54 AM
Thank you so much Jørgen! I building a scheme to convert the notes
of the old Cuban Kit (from Tyros seres etc) to the new Revo! AfroCuban kit
on Genos.
It's any way to export the scheme? It's almost done, I'm testing it.
Perhaps you can include the Scheme on your software "Revo Drum Cleaner/Enhancer" 😀

Hi Teknoss,

If you want to make the map available to others, then you can post the text file here as an attachment.

The filename is: RevoDrumCleanerMaps.txt

and the location of the file is (as Jørgen indicated):  C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\jososoft
where <username> is your name in Windows.



Hi Jorgen

I have just downloaded your Revo drum cleaner file. What I am looking to do is convert the drums on Tyros 5 styles (not included in Genos), to Revo drum kits, preferably as a batch file conversion. I have interpreted some previous posts as indicating this is possible can you confirm this, or otherwise before I study how to do this.
May I say that I am impressed and grateful for the work you put in for to create these software tools, freely and for the use of forum members.
