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How do you Delete song bars please ?

Started by vanray, Jan 05, 2018, 11:56 AM

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Zero Genos Tutorials, to help with even the basic stuff
so im hoping some one knows how to do this.

How do I DELETE 10 bars at the end of my song ?


Wim NL

choose instead of ch10, SysEx.

Delete there the last events for x bars.
Select end and reduce the bars.
Best Regards,


thankyou wim
but how to i access the SysEx please ?

Wim NL

Tik ch10 and scrol down to page  3/3
Best Regards,


Quote from: Wim NL on Jan 05, 2018, 03:06 PM
Tik ch10 and scrol down to page  3/3

thankyou win
i will try this tomorrow
im hoping thers a way to copy and paste
whole sections too, like another verse or a chorus
instead of having to play them again.

Wim NL

Best Regards,


Quote from: Wim NL on Jan 05, 2018, 05:04 PM
You can do that with multi select

thanx will

when i copied and pasted a section in tyros 5
like the 1st 8 bars, to to the 9th bar
it would always have a gap, because of that END,line.


As Wim says, you can use MultiSelect.
For me, does not work with SysEx channel, but will work if you choose each channel and use MultiSelect. I used multi select to delete more than one measure in SysEx channel, but if I change the SysEx's END measure to the last I want it to be, it automatically change to maximum as rest of channels have events. Maybe I miss something.

I think Midi Multi Recording is unfinished :)  It was simple in the first screen when you select Quantize, or Delete, or whatever function down there in screen, tho show a screen to choose "From measure to Measure" and execute function to selected channels ;) Easy :) (for us, for them is harder :D )
Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos

Wim NL

When using Multi select, You better start from the end of your selection to the beginning of your selection.

The reference start point is at the beginning.
So when the selection is made you have to move only the Bar count.

Yes, when there are more events in the track and you want to delete some bars.
You have to delete them track by track with Multi Select as Marcus said.

P.S. my name is Wim, not Vin, not Win, not Will
Its a very common name in The Netherlands.

Best Regards,


Thanx WIM
Its the NL at the end of your name that makes me think will
when im typing a post to you sorry

iv deleted the bars thanz to your info so thanx for that

regarding copy and paste, i got problem no sound.

i multi-selected first 4 bars to copy to end
i can see its done it but those extra bars at the end are silent

this aint easy !
one yamaha genos Video-Tutorial is all i need, but cant get


Wim NL

You have to copy track by track with Multi select.

My first post was about deleting empty bars at the end.
Sorry I did understood you not correct there.

When you have to copy much you can also do it with MixMaster

Best Regards,


Quote from: Wim NL on Jan 06, 2018, 04:02 AM
You have to copy track by track with Multi select.

My first post was about deleting empty bars at the end.
Sorry I did understood you not correct there.

When you have to copy much you can also do it with MixMaster

your joking !
you mean iv got have to copy track by track with Multi select
16 times !!! ???

Wim NL


I can't help it.
Thanks Yamaha for that.
Best Regards,


Oh No i cant do that
how strange ?

thank wim, ill probably need your help in the future,with the expensive Genos
hopefully without the use of 3rd party software
