Knobs and sliders are great on soft synths

Started by JohnS (Ugawoga), Jan 03, 2018, 02:04 PM

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JohnS (Ugawoga)

Just been playing with Arp Oddessy from Korg as I updated my Korg Collection.

I find that the knobs and sliders can do anything with midi learn, So A software Daw can have synths and Its sliders and knobs linked to the Genos easily.
Just getting Into Cubase and I am looking at the Arp Oddessy and learning how to program it.
Anyone know how on some sounds the knobs go up and down on their own with a sequence???

I have tried lowering all sliders but the slider that makes the sequence sound keeps on going until you lift a finger off the key
I have looked all over to see how you sequence a sound , but how do you automate a slider or a knob???
There are a lot of patches in there and they can be tweaked  for now.
I want to understand all these VCO's and where they go to!! .
I do that on the side for an hour ,but the main focus is my Genos.
All the best
John  :)
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.


Are you wanting to add automation to the controls so they do what you want, or are you wanting to stop the automation that's already programmed in?

As far as I know, the way you automate a controller (MIDI CC number) is by adding an automation lane to a MIDI track and then adding the values you want the controller to have at specific times, just like adding notes to the piano roll.

You can also add automation to audio tracks, but you're limited to audio parameters such as volume, panning, equalizer settings, etc.