Oops! Yamaha needs to address this anomaly...

Started by keynote, Dec 26, 2017, 10:11 AM

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Hi everyone. I found another anomaly on the Genos. Stored audio files that are more than 60 minutes long do not accurately show the correct time under "Song Information." For instance, I have one audio 'album' compilation that is over 2 hours in length but when you go to Song Information it only displays the time allotted that is under the 60 minute threshold. So for instance if the total length is 2 hours 12 minutes and 32 seconds it only shows 12 minutes 32 seconds as the total length. My Tyros 3 has the ability to show not only hours and minutes as well as seconds 'correctly' but also .000 seconds if necessary. Yamaha's latest, greatest arranger creation should be able to show the correct total length of time of an audio file or am I asking too much?


PS: Maybe we should start a thread devoted to "bugs" and then pin the thread to the top of the forum message board? Just a thought.


Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzi9PPrMTjN8_zX9P9kelxg

Vali Maties - Genos


So, I assume you have a album of songs all strung out to a single audio file - something I have never encountered in the past. Most of the albums I have recorded are individual songs of 2 to 4 minutes each, all placed inside a folder, then burned to a CD for distribution to consumers/customers. Am I correct in my assumption? If this is the case, I don't think you could classify this as a bug as it would be a massive audio file that NO arranger keyboard could handle.

All the best,

Love Those Yammies...


Originally posted by travlin-easy:

"So, I assume you have a album of songs all strung out to a single audio file - something I have never encountered in the past. Most of the albums I have recorded are individual songs of 2 to 4 minutes each, all placed inside a folder, then burned to a CD for distribution to consumers/customers. Am I correct in my assumption? If this is the case, I don't think you could classify this as a bug as it would be a massive audio file that NO arranger keyboard could handle."

That's exactly right Gary. It is a single audio file with many songs contained therein. Again, my Tyros 3 is able to display the correct time if an audio file is over an hour in length yet the Genos is not able to? This is 2017 not 2008-2010 when the Tyros 3 was produced. This is a bug Gary believe it or not. I know the Tyros 3 is a great keyboard but in 2017 the Genos should also be able to keep correct time if the audio file happens to be over an hour in length wouldn't you agree? :)

PS: I again think it is a matter of Yamaha being a little unfamiliar with the Genos new Linux operating system which is quite different than the Tyros line operating system. Hopefully Yammie reads this forum and will notify the proper authorities so they can provide a fix. I'll probably have to call Yammie myself since I'm not sure Steve Deming of Yamaha US browses this forum anymore.



Gary, I'm not agree with you.
There are a lot of keyboards that shows entirely timing.
I encountered a problem, for example, on my ex-Tyros 5, when I load a mp3 file does not show me the entire time of mp3 (total time), but only elapsed time. Elapsed time of what?! :D
So, for a long time I have to pleased my friend and colleague from my band to use mp3's on his PA3X, which shows "<time elapsed> from <total time>" near mp3 title.

Yamaha has a lot of "not understanding" shortages/minuses. I don't understand Yamaha's programmers! I Really don't understand!
Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzi9PPrMTjN8_zX9P9kelxg

Vali Maties - Genos


Quote from: keynote on Dec 26, 2017, 06:39 PM
Originally posted by travlin-easy:

"So, I assume you have a album of songs all strung out to a single audio file - something I have never encountered in the past. Most of the albums I have recorded are individual songs of 2 to 4 minutes each, all placed inside a folder, then burned to a CD for distribution to consumers/customers. Am I correct in my assumption? If this is the case, I don't think you could classify this as a bug as it would be a massive audio file that NO arranger keyboard could handle."

That's exactly right Gary. It is a single audio file with many songs contained therein. Again, my Tyros 3 is able to display the correct time if an audio file is over an hour in length yet the Genos is not able to? This is 2017 not 2008-2010 when the Tyros 3 was produced. This is a bug Gary believe it or not. I know the Tyros 3 is a great keyboard but in 2017 the Genos should also be able to keep correct time if the audio file happens to be over an hour in length wouldn't you agree? :)

PS: I again think it is a matter of Yamaha being a little unfamiliar with the Genos new Linux operating system which is quite different than the Tyros line operating system. Hopefully Yammie reads this forum and will notify the proper authorities so they can provide a fix. I'll probably have to call Yammie myself since I'm not sure Steve Deming of Yamaha US browses this forum anymore.


By all means, call Yamaha and report this. Don't assume anyone from Yamaha is reading all these posts and logging bug reports.


I think  the "bugs" idea mentioned earlier in a p.s. Is a good idea. At least all the problems would be gathered together and perhaps read and acted upon by Yamaha.


Quote from: Oldden on Dec 27, 2017, 04:31 AM
I think  the "bugs" idea mentioned earlier in a p.s. Is a good idea. At least all the problems would be gathered together and perhaps read and acted upon by Yamaha.

Creating a combined list of suspected bugs is a not a bad idea for our own use but assuming that someone from Yamaha is going to find, read and act on each of them without calling and reporting is overly optimistic IMHO. For one thing, Yamaha will want to communicate with the Genos owners/bug submitters individually to ask questions, etc.

Please take the time to call and log each of these issues with Yamaha. I think that will bear the most fruit.


Hi Stuart
I think you are right in hoping that Yamaha would read and act on a list made by this user group, but there is always a chance that people may not contact Yamaha directly, or get a reply. I think that any and every way of communicating to Yamaha that there are problems is worth a try, it probably will make no difference, but there is nothing to lose.


I called Yamaha this morning and explained the situation to tech support. He said he would relay the information to the right person but he also said he couldn't promise a fix would be provided. He told me the software programmers/engineers are busy focusing on other things right now which is encouraging since they are at least working toward finding solutions to other issues found on the Genos. I heard through the grapevine that a forthcoming OS update will be available for the Genos soon. As far as the issue I wrote about in this thread hopefully Yamaha will see fit to provide a fix for that bug also but probably not in the next firmware revision although hopefully in the one after that.
