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drumkit problem ?

Started by vanray, Dec 26, 2017, 08:01 AM

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am i right in saying that the drum set up window
only allows the fx to be changed , but Not the voice of a drum kit ?

so its not possible to have a snare from one drum kit
and add that to Kick Drum from a different drum kit ?

Also how do you access the ne Revo-Drums please ?

[attachment deleted by admin]


As far as I know, you can change both of them just by clicking on the name of the kit - it should open a list of kits and parts.


Quote from: Keyboardister on Dec 27, 2017, 03:13 AM
As far as I know, you can change both of them just by clicking on the name of the kit - it should open a list of kits and parts.

yes that would make sense, but when you click on the /kit/category/instrument
nothing happens . very interesting.


Has anybody created a custom drum kit on the genos ?


Once you have highlighted the 'Kit' field, you'll need to use the inc/dec buttons or the data wheel to cycle through the different drum kits.
Unfortunately, you can't save your edits as a custom drum kit.  You can only save them as part of a user style.

Wim NL

I think you can only do this in YEM.
Not on the Genos.
Best Regards,


Quote from: jsb1999 on Dec 27, 2017, 09:03 AM
Once you have highlighted the 'Kit' field, you'll need to use the inc/dec buttons or the data wheel to cycle through the different drum kits.
Unfortunately, you can't save your edits as a custom drum kit.  You can only save them as part of a user style.
Oh yes! that's it! for some reason I thought it was a drop-down list but it's not, thank's for the clarification!


Quote from: jsb1999 on Dec 27, 2017, 09:03 AM
Once you have highlighted the 'Kit' field, you'll need to use the inc/dec buttons or the data wheel to cycle through the different drum kits.
Unfortunately, you can't save your edits as a custom drum kit.  You can only save them as part of a user style.

thankyou jsb
it never occurred to me to spin the dial
i too, thought there was a drop down menu.

does the psr 970,allow custom drum kit creation
or is it the same as the genos
only in a style ?


Quote from: Wim NL on Dec 27, 2017, 10:10 AM
I think you can only do this in YEM.
Not on the Genos.

You cann't make Custom Drums with Revo Drum in YEM.
Genos + Motif XS7
More video about Genos:


Quote from: Snicker740 on Jan 05, 2018, 07:12 PM
You cann't make Custom Drums with Revo Drum in YEM.

But why not ?
you can do it for other drums on the Tyros 5


Tyros 5 dose not have Revo drums.


It is possible to replace a voice in the drumkit when you use Style creator , than you can mute the other voices
push start/stop and push Note button , now you see the Active key's on the keyboard in Yellow appearing , with the scroll wheel
you put the arrow above the sound you wil change than you can choose a other type of drum sound in Kit,Category and Instrument .
Than you can also modify the sound with the other parameters ( Cutof,resonance, etc.)
dont forget to save after you modified it :-)
It is one of the best improvements of the Genos

Soryt  :)
Genos & YC61 and Tannoy Gold 5 Monitors
My You Tube Channel :


Hi Soryt, it's the same on the PSR S970; Drum setup; it's easy to change the kit and parts of the kit, great in an arranger! all the best Patrick


Don't forget a thing: It must be only a single Drum Kit in all style parts. You cannot have multiple drums kits in different parts of style.

Example: You cannot have Standard Kit on Main A and Acoustic Kit on Main B. The settings from Drum Setup will be reset on changing between Main A and Main B ;)

PS: But as a workaround, if you want more than one kit, you can select, from beginning,  a single Kit for all style parts, after that, change to style part you want a different kit, select for record the RHY1 or RHY2 channel (where you want another drum kit), press drum edit, and change the Kit from "Kit" button ;) Like this, the style will retain the settings and you will have different drums kits on different style parts ;) This approach will set a single key settings, so you have to do this setting for each key (/drum part - B2, C3, C#3, or what element you want from another drum kit).

I recommend after you make some changes to a drum kit, to do it also in YEM, and save it as a Custom Drum. Like this, you can use your new settings selecting your new Custom Drum Kit, and not making every time the settings...
Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos


I cant see why anyone would want a different drum kit on style variations. Surly it would sound strange.


Quote from: EileenL on Jan 08, 2018, 09:36 AM
I cant see why anyone would want a different drum kit on style variations. Surly it would sound strange.

Probably, it will sound strange... Surly, we can't say until we demonstrate ;)

I think one month ago, someone ask if this could be done, because in a style he use a Pop kit and a Rock kit... So, I think there are people who use this ;)

If you, or I, or "X", or "Y", does not use a feature, that don't mean anyone else could not use it or does not need it ;)
I think we need to be more pliable/malleable, don't be so strict or restrictive with other's wishes ;)

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos


Hi Vali, in drum setup, i'm always just replacing some of the parts of the kit only; of course, the style will not sound the same as the original but it's important to change the snare for exemple by a bongo, .... and you've a new sound in the style!
Have a nice day Patrick


I have always used Drum Setup, even if in T5 I made it in YEM. I think Drums of Yamaha, at least TomToms has a lot of release , so I have to shorten the length.
I also made some custom drums using YEM in the past, changing elements from other kits, so I've used this feature.

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos