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Aftertouch question / issue

Started by jimlaing, Dec 17, 2017, 12:20 AM

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I have noticed that if I happen to press down harder with my Left hand (unintentionally), that sounds in the Right side of the split, will respond with the aftertouch even if I am not pressing on the Right side (right hand) hard.

Example: If I have say a sound in my right hand (RIGHT1 maybe) that has no vibrato, and if I press hard on the keys (triggering aftertouch) with my LEFT hand, the sound in RIGHT1 responds with added vibrato, as if I were pressing harder with my right hand, even if ONLY my left hand is pressing hard enough to trigger aftertouch.

Is this expected?  Or maybe there is a setting somewhere to control this? 

Raleigh, NC, USA / Genos / Tyros5-61 / Lucas Nana 600 / other stuff


Hi Jim,

Menu -> Menu2 -> Keyboard/Joystick -> Keyboard tab:
Did you uncheck the "Left" part under "After Touch" as shown in the attached diagram?


[attachment deleted by admin]


Jim, what you describe happened with Tyros's too. AT can be triggered anywhere across the keyboard, and once triggered it has the potential to affect left and right voices, depending what you set in the screen that Paul describes.
Disabling the AT for the left (as per Paul)  only stops LH voices from sounding the AT, it does not stop the keyboard triggering.  Hence RH voices continue to be affected by "leaning" on the left too much, (unless you disable them of course which would be counter productive IMO.)



Jim,  I had the same happen to me, I knew there had to be a setting somewhere Paul also pointed me in the right direction.


Hi - thanks for the info ... so, it sounds like what I describe will still happen, even if I leave Right sounds active for after touch (i.e. the Right sounds that I want to use Aftertouch on), and "lean" too hard on the Left side of the keyboard.  I wish we could control "reception" or "triggering" of AT so that if you happen to play the Left side a bit too hard, it wouldn't affect Right voices, and the Right voices would only be affected by leaning in on the Right side of the split point.

Not a big problem; I sort of get used to it while playing, just was curious if leaning of Left side of split, should cause Right hand sounds to respond to the aftertouch played on Left side ...

Raleigh, NC, USA / Genos / Tyros5-61 / Lucas Nana 600 / other stuff


Just curious since the S770 doesn't have aftertouch. What happens if you just have R1 activated, and play 2 notes with the right hand. Are both affected and to the same degree?

I wonder if the aftertouch sensor takes the max value from any key pressed anywhere and feeds it to all the L/R voices, or if it is applied to keys individually.


Quote from: DerekA on Jan 09, 2018, 06:11 AM
Just curious since the S770 doesn't have aftertouch. What happens if you just have R1 activated, and play 2 notes with the right hand. Are both affected and to the same degree?

I wonder if the aftertouch sensor takes the max value from any key pressed anywhere and feeds it to all the L/R voices, or if it is applied to keys individually.
Hi Derek,  your two R1 notes will sound AT as soon as at least one of them is played (leaned on) to cause the trigger assuming the voice is not behaving in a mono mode. The overall extent can be edited in the Controller tab of Voice Set for the particular voice. But each note in R1 will be treated to the same settings so will be affected to same degree.


Thanks, that's what I thought. It worked that way on a keyboard I used to own aout 20 years ago, I wasn't sure if it had got more granular since then.


Quote from: jimlaing on Jan 08, 2018, 04:32 PM
I wish we could control "reception" or "triggering" of AT so that if you happen to play the Left side a bit too hard, it wouldn't affect Right voices, and the Right voices would only be affected by leaning in on the Right side of the split point.

When I switched from a non-AT keyboard to an aftertouch sensitive keyboard, I had to unlearn my "leaning" for both hands. It took a short while.
